Then once again, I caught a glimpse of Blake. His expression had changed into a strange one that I still couldn't understand, but in his eyes, I saw tears, I saw pain, and fright. He was scared I would die.

Just when Torian was about to end it all, I saw the necklace dangling over his neck, and that made me recall that he gave me a ring. He'd forgotten everything about me, but I'd give it one more shot before I went blind.

That was how I showed the ring to him.

"Blake, can't you remember this? " With the last ounce of strength remaining in me, I bawled. Although my voice was loud, it was faint in my ears.

Torian grimaced and paused his attempt to pluck out my eyes, as he must be wondering who Blake was.

But just then, he called my name with the most furious but passionate voice my ears had ever heard. I felt the powerful aura and compelling force that lashed out with his tone, shaking the pillars.

Once again, that most pleasant earthly scent from Blake whiffs into my nostrils mixed with his strong and intoxicating vampire scent.

Torian had quickly released his grip on me and scurried away for safety, letting me fall heavily on the ground as my shaky legs could not hold me up.

Every part of me was bathed in pain that made hot tears sear my eye sockets and stream down like a flood over my cheeks. I was in that depth of pain which seals the lips and muscles, letting you shed just tears with no strength to whimper or cry out loud.

I needed to recuperate, but more injury was what my body kept receiving. The additional pain in my heart was making me go insane. That pain of seeing the man you loved staring at you without remembering If he had ever met you before. It was just like a stab, not once, but countlessly.

Why did I meet him again when he wouldn't recall anything about me?

I pulled my heavy, aching head up to see Blake's eyes glowing with his vampire nature fully unlocked. The powers around him were so dangerous and deadly that no one could get close to him. Vampires are so powerful, far more than wolves. Mom had warned me to stay away from them and kill anyone at any given chance because they were devils in disguise.

The thought of this made fear grip me as I wondered if Blake would kill everyone in the class, including me. He looked so deadly in his vampire nature, but why was he still calm, peering at my face.

A few minutes later, after calling me "mine", he said that word I had always longed to hear.

He just uttered it. He said he could remember me and asked who dared to hurt me.

I was standing but my entire weight was leaning towards the desk behind me as he took those leopard-like steps forward towards me.

His sweet and spell-binding smell of the forest after a heavy downpour, mixed with sandalwood citrus and the pleasant scent of mint and chocolate, all swirled around him, battering my nose and spreading inside me so that I almost got lost sniffing more and more as it seemed like a fresh breath of life.

He was standing in front of me already, towering over my height as our eyes locked. For the first time, I saw tears in those eyes. It was just in his eyes, but they were rolling down slowly till they hit the ground.

"I have failed you." He breathed, moving his soft but powerful palm over my cheeks, drying the tears on it.

"I will kill everyone who put you in pain right now. Just sit back and watch, and I will never forgive my mother for making me forget you. How? How did I forget my mate and vampire queen?" he snarled, his voice filled with anger towards his mother and possession over me. The way he called me his mate and vampire queen was so dominant and I could tell clearly how much he wouldn't bear to share me with anyone else.

Before I could say anything, he turned sharply at the students, causing them all to flee to the single door, jamming themselves as everyone was struggling to leave first.

Just then, the scent of thousands of pack hunters rushed through the air, swishing into my nose and causing my jaw to drop.

"Blake!" I screamed his name in terror. I was a pack hunter's daughter and was the first to get the scent. My eyes flicked at Sophia, and she looked so unbothered with a cheesy smile.

My call made Blake scurry to me with curiosity at what had prompted the scream.

I pulled him into a tight hug, whispering into his ears.

"Take me out of here now! Sophia might plans to stop you from running away once the hunters get closer, but I have sensed their presence and perceived their scent before anyone. We only have now to leave. "

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