Part 13: Prepare To Meet Thy Doom

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At Billy’s grave, Max opened up a duffel bag and took out a tub of salt. He handed it to Allison. Billy placed his hands on Dani's shoulders. "You’ll be safe in here."

"In a grave??" Cassie looked alarmed.

"It kept me safe for 300 years..."

"That's because you're dead, Billy."

"Thank you."

Max looked up. "You okay Dani?"

"Yeah. Fine."

"Well, as fine as I can be with three evil witches coming after me." Dani crossed her arms.

"Thou art not special, sweetheart, don't flatter thyself." Winifred scoffed.

Billy helped Dani into the open grave. "All right then. In we go. There."

"No big deal, just stepping into an open grave," Becca stated, waving her hand casually.

Allison poured a circle of salt around the open grave, while Max took a few practice swings with a baseball bat.

"'He's a Little leaguer'." Cassie quoted Dani's line from earlier on in the movie.

Max rolled his eyes, "ha ha."

"Here they come!" Binx yelled as he saw the three sisters fly towards them. "Billy, guard Dani! Max, Allison, spread out!"

"Taking orders from a cat," Billy chuckled warmly.

"For the last time, prepare to meet thy doom!" Winifred cackled as Max swung his bat at her. "You little pest, I’ve had enough of you." She grabbed ahold of the bat and tossed it to the side. She flew at Max, causing him to drop to the floor.

"Where is the sun?" Cassie sighed impatiently, "this is the longest Halloween night I have ever seen."

"I'll agree with you on that one." Allison grimaced.

Meanwhile, Allison grabbed a handful of salt and tossed it at Sarah, who somersaulted through the air on her mop.

"You did a cartwheel through the sky," Izzy chuckled.

Sarah ignored her and took a sip of her drink, forgetting that she disliked the taste.

"Sarah, if thou art going to spit out thy drink, do it over Mary, not me."

"Sorry Winnie."

Winifred aimed her magic at a tree branch, which almost fell on Dani. Billy turned to her angrily. "Go to hell!"

"Billy, Billy, Billy," Winifred tutted, shaking her head. "Thou should know better insults by now. Three hundred years of sleep and that's all thou can say? Ha!"

He scowled. "Didst thou forget my first words?"

Winifred raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "No, I was not around at thy birth."

Billy inhaled deeply and shook his head in frustration.

"Oh, I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely." Winifred cackled before diving towards him; kicking off his head.

Izzy couldn't help but cackle in amusement at that line. Becca and Cassie laughed too.

During this, Allison ran out of salt and had to fall to the floor to avoid Sarah.

"Ha." Sarah turned her head around and stuck her tongue out at Allison.

Dani crawled out of the safety of the grave and picked up Billy's head. "Billy, I think you dropped this." She said while handing him his head back.

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