Chapter 5 - A Lovely Lily of The Valley

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Lily's POV:

I am currently being chased by a golden-haired man wearing a black robe, following me exhaustively through the outskirts of my home village.

I am running down a path, heading west towards the edge of town where there should be a clearing ahead. But this man keeps chasing after me no matter how fast or far I run away from him.

"Please leave me alone! I already told you many times, I don't, I won't, and I will never be yours!!!"

"F*cking b*tch, you're still with that attitude!? You already have someone, don't you? Tell me who's your man, and I will beat the f*ck out of him! I'm gonna give you a good time! Come on, b*tch! I know that you want it!"

"Pervert! Pervert! Die! Just die already! Leave me alone!"

The perverted man constantly persisted in me to become his woman. I already refused and ran away from him.

But yet, he still tails after me until now since then. No, he is a greedy, violent pervert who takes every beautiful woman with him.

That perverted pig is none other than the son of the marquis that rules the region of our village. He's a young man with an imposing physique and a face full of acne, which he tries to hide by applying makeup. The same goes for his clothes; they are tailored in such a way as to make him seem even more impressive and intimidating than usual.

I was on my way to escape the Lord's son this morning and meet with my parents in a remote village using a carriage... I had been planning for some time, but it seems that all of my plans have failed me.

I'm wearing a white magic dress reinforced with strengthening magic to amplify my physical attributes. My dress was tailored specially for my own use to supplement my lack of magic power.

I've been able to make it work by reinforcing the magical properties in this garment, which has enabled me to gain some extra strength and protection from harm that way.

Even though I have my physical abilities enhanced, I still didn't manage to lose them. I was spotted by the Lord's knights and chased after.

He finally caught me in a dead-end alleyway between two buildings. The man who had been chasing me pulled out his sword as he advanced toward me with an angry look on his face...


The man suddenly reached and grabbed my arms and forcefully held my body. He then pinned me down on the flat ground and took off his black robe.

The perverted man's face is contorted with rage as he approaches me again... this time grabbing my arm tightly. He growls threateningly.

He looks at me for several seconds without saying anything or moving away from my position on the floor... He is looking at my body with a disgusting and lascivious gaze with his bloodshot eyes.

"Iyaaaaaa~! Let me go!!! Help!!!"

"Scream all you want! No one will come to help you! Look, do you recognize this?"

The man pulled a familiar ornament out of his pocket. A golden hair comb is hanging in the hands of the man.

"W-What's the meaning of this!? Why do you have my mother's...!? What did you do to my mother!?"

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I didn't do anything yet. Your mother is safe and sound at your home. Just don't resist and enjoy this moment. I won't lay my hands on your family... if you behave like a good girl, that is."

The man chuckles as he pulls out his sword from the back of my neck to reveal a small red mark where it had been pressed against my skin.

"You're going to be so much fun..."

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