"Klaus wasn't the only one the Kugelblitz took" Anna muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest. "It took Delaney too".

"We know" Viktor nodded to Anna. "We're all angry, okay? But we have to be smart about this".

"Yeah. When the time is right, we'll act" Lila nodded looking between Anna and Sloane who were both grieving their partners.

Before Five had even got to the doors, hesitantly walking towards them, Diego spotted him. "Don't even try it, Five" Diego shouted. "Doors won't let you out".

Five looked over his shoulder to Diego before looking back at the doors with clear confusion. He had no idea how the hotel worked, and neither did the others, but he knew something was wrong.

"So, what, we're stuck here?" Allison asked.

Reginald inched closer to his children. "This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation, all at once" Reginald said with a smile.

"Does anyone know what that sign says?" Viktor asked pointing to the small card that sat next to the bell, the writing in a language that he didn't understand.

Diego turned to the card, briefly glancing at it. "Yeah, it says 'Do not ring the bell'" Diego answered. "That's what that means".

"We get it, Diego. Bell bad" Five said taking his place next to Inanna again as Reginald walked away from them, pulling his notebook out of his suit jacket. "What do we do? Does anybody know?" Five asked.

"Reggie?" Allison called to Reginald who had his back to them as he flipped through his notebook quickly. "Reggie".

Allison rolled her eyes at Reginald who ignored her and the others who were hoping that he would know what they were supposed to do.

"I'm hungry" Lila stated. "Does anyone fancy an unagi roll?" Lila asked as she began walking to the other side of the lobby.

Ben followed after her with his brows furrowed deeply. "How can you possibly eat at a time like this?" Ben asked.

Lila turned to Ben, who had left little to no space between them. Diego sighed as he stepped passed the others, already sensing the remark that Lila was about to respond with. "I don't know. How can you be a dick at a time like this?" Lila asked.

Inanna stepped passed Five once Diego had passed her and leaned her back against the pillar next to them. Five watched at her with concern as she slowly pulled her arm away from her chest, unsticking the fabric from the congealed blood, with a scrunched nose and squinted eyes.

"Oh, you'll-".

Diego stepped in between Lila and Ben with his back to his girlfriend. "Back off, all right?" Diego turned to look at Lila. "She's eating for-".

"Strength" Lila finished Diego's sentence before he could expose her pregnancy to the rest of the family. Diego stared at her with confusion in his dark eyes. "In these trying times" Lila nodded before grabbing Diego's arm. "Diego, can you come with me for a second?" Lila asked. Lila dragged Diego to the sushi bar with her and Ben rolled his eyes as he turned back to the others.

Viktor casted his eyes over Inanna, choosing to not look at her arm which was creating a small pool of blood by Inanna's feet. "Maybe you should sit down" Viktor suggested to Inanna.

Inanna shook her head. "I'm fine" Inanna mumbled, dropping her gaze to the floor by Five.

Viktor didn't believe her, none of them did, including Sloane who was taking herself away from the group and Allison who had followed after her.

"You don't look-".

"Viktor, I said I'm fine" Inanna snapped.

Five untucked his hands from his pockets and stepped closer to Inanna, stopping in front of her with his shoes with side of hers. Inanna flickered her gaze to Five's as she leaned her head back against the pillar and lightly shoved Five's chest with her right hand to put a couple of inches between them.

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