Chapter 37- Slaying the Enemy

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Even after the army had established the Six Flower Array, Li Chen still stood at the center of it. The outer layer of the array had formed the appearance of six unfurled petals. Meanwhile, the innermost ring rotated quickly, the soldiers moving to their proper positions. The calvary and infantry attacked in a cooperative effort. Similarly, the archers stayed in the back as the spearmen fought in the vanguard, working together. However, after they had decimated half of the Qiang army’s military might with the Eight Trigrams Array, the Qiang army grew more vigilant. The Six Flower Array required many people to sustain itself and prove effective. Because Li Chen’s army was small, it allowed the enemy to swiftly find their weak points.

At this moment, the sound of their clash shook the heavens. Li Chen stood with his saber, surveying the surroundings, sending more men to areas that were lacking in numbers.  

“Your Highness, this formation cannot sustain for much longer…”  

The Qiang soldiers roared, before charging at the array. The deaths and casualties of their brethren stoked the fire of their anger and hatred. Their war horses were valiant, not one bit afraid of the weapons of their opponents. Once the outer ring of the Six Flower Array was put in disarray, the remaining nine Western Owl Yakshas charged over with an impressive air.

Li Chen gripped his saber. “Switch to the Fish Scales Array. Charge!”

Although Nu Bi Ha did not see a way of breaking through the formation, considering that the Qiang people were brave to the extreme and that their numbers eclipsed that of the Han army, they just kept charging straight, charging until they broke through the array.

In the first place, the Twelve Western Owl Yakshas were the Western Owl tribe’s most powerful warriors. With the addition of Nu Bi Ha, the ten warriors stormed in like there had been no one trying to block their path. More than a hundred people couldn’t even hinder them, and they left a trail of blood in their wake. But now, they could not go any farther.  

For Li Chen had personally entered the battle. By his side were the most elite of his estate guards. He raised his saber. Swung it down. Tens of people roared and clashed with the incoming enemy. Li Chen slashed his saber in Nu Bi Ha’s direction. With a light lift of a hand, Nu Bi Ha parried Li Chen’s attack with his long scimitar. He yelled, “Han Prince, you’ll be leaving your life here!”      

“If you have the guts then come closer.”

Si De still had not appeared. Qi Yunruo hid behind a large boulder, a group of guards by his side, protecting him.  However, the situation was growing more and more dire. And the expressions of the people beside him grew darker and darker.   

As long as Si De didn’t make an appearance, their 5,000 men would be decimated. Qi Yunruo rose to his feet. He searched for Li Chen’s figure among all these others, but it was to no avail. His ears suddenly caught a bang. Qi Yunruo felt like his ears had shaken from the force. Right before his eyes, the boulder in front of him cracked. Then a guard yelled, swinging his sword. All of a sudden, Qi Yunruo realized there was a large Qiang man standing before him. A single leather wrap covered his torso. His gaze proved frightening, a large hammer in each of his hands. He shouted something in the Qiang tongue, and from his expression, it was evident that he did not care about those few guards before him.  

Fear struck Qi Yunruo. He couldn’t help but retreat a few steps. The large Qiang man sent the guard flying with his hammer. Then he chased after Qi Yunruo. Since he was under the protection of some guards, he must be someone of high status.

The guards reacted in a flash: seven to eight people surrounded the large Qiang warrior. They attacked together. The Qiang warrior towered a threatening eight feet, his skin tan. The muscles of his arms bulged. He slammed a hammer down, sending a group of guards into the air. The guards on the other side dared not approach. They could only try to find gap in his defenses, searching in all directions. Qi Yunruo’s heart thrashed against his chest. He retreated a few more steps and almost tripped. The large Qiang warrior had smashed half of the large boulder he had hid behind into smithereens, the ground littered with bits of stone. Watching as he sprinted toward a guard, Qi Yunruo suddenly had an idea. He lifted a rock that was the size of two fists, and with a roar, used all of his strength to hurl it at the Qiang warrior, hitting him smack in the head.  

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