Chapter 27- Internal Strife

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The first thing Li Chen did when he awoke early the next morning was check Qi Yunruo's temperature. After finding it stable, he let escape a breath of relief. Shortly after, Qi Yunruo roused as well. He was not yet sober, moving to fetch Li Chen a basin of water. Li Chen rushed to grab his hand. "I'll do it myself."

Qi Yunruo's mind grew clear. He lowered his head, expression gloomy.   

"What's wrong?" asked Li Chen, pulling him close.

"I really feel like I am useless. I can't do anything right. And I always make others worried." Qi Yunruo was not a weak girl in need of protection. He was a man. But the things men were supposed to do he could not do well. He couldn't even go outside to wash himself without bringing others trouble.  

Li Chen reached out. Stroked his soft hair. Voice gentle, he said, "It's because Little Qi is too good. So understanding and well-behaved. And also beautiful. That's why many people want and like you. You should just wait in the tent today. Let me handle the situation first. Then we can go out together."

Qi Yunruo said, "I want to visit Qi Yunying."  

"Alright. Wait for me to fetch the water."

Qi Yunying's torso was bare. His arms and chest were wrapped generously with bandages, blood soaking through in patches around his forearms. Frowning, Qi Yunruo approached his brother's side. None of them spoke a word.

Not long after, Li Yue returned from picking up Qi Yunying's breakfast. His body was damp from the rain, and he did not realize there was someone else in the tent. He shook off the rain on his body, voice full of complaint as he said, "Why is it raining again? Today's breakfast is mixed flour biscuit. Are you going to eat it? There was also meat congee, but I couldn't bring it back-" The moment he saw Qi Yunruo, his jaw dropped.  

"I'll eat," said Qi Yunying, faint and low.

Li Yue retrieved two yellow dry biscuits from the package he held. Qi Yunying received it without a word. He opened his mouth wide and bit down. Li Yue sent a curious glance Qi Yunruo's way. "What were you siblings talking about?"  

But Qi Yunruo had already risen to his feet. He picked up the umbrella by the tent's entrance and left through the door.

Li Yue could tell that Qi Yunying was not in the mood to talk. He made his way back to his own bedding and lay down. "I think it'll rain the whole day. The road is muddy. I don't know how long it'll take for us to reach He Luo County."  

A while later, Qi Yunruo returned to Qi Yunying's tent with a meal box in his hands. He placed it on the ground in silence. Lifted the lid. He took out a bowl of meat congee and half a roasted chicken on a plate.  

Li Yue was speechless.

"The chicken was left over from last night's dinner."  

A moment of silence, and Qi Yunying said, "Thank you."

As he presented the bowl of meat congee to his brother, Qi Yunruo had kept his head lowered. Then he placed the plate with the roast chicken in front of him. There was even a clean pair of chopsticks. "I'll bring you your lunch at noon." Afterward, Qi Yunruo picked up the meal box and made to leave with his umbrella.  

Once he had left, Li Yue noticed something wrapped in paper next to the chicken. He unraveled the wrapping. Saw that inside was more than ten dried dates. He placed one in his mouth, a thoughtful expression forming on his face. The moment he reached for a second date, Qi Yunying slapped Li Yue's hand away with his uninjured one. 

Li Chen held an umbrella standing among a crowd. With an impassive face, he stared at the soldiers not too far away training in the rain. The leader of one of the teams seemed injured. As he ran, his body appeared to sway. Another soldier wiped his face and sneakily kicked him.  

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