Chapter 21- Each Other's Intention

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"Commander of a hundred?" the emperor said, taking his time to utter the word.

Li Chen was sure to sound firm. "Yes!"

The emperor suddenly recalled his teenage years. Back then, Empress Dowager Lan taught him how to handle court matters. She had always sat behind him as she did, leaning toward him. She would reach forward and point to the things on her lesson, her voice gentle as she said, "Young emperor, look..."

The emperor took in the sight of the young man before him.

Empress Dowager Lan had taught Li Chen well. After leaving the Palace of Merciful Peace, he had kept her teachings at heart and became an honest and good man. Now, he had his own family. At that moment, the emperor felt proud. In Our youth, We were unable to leave the capital for there were too many with their own intentions around, their sights glued to Us and the empress dowager. But now, because We are here in the capital, the princes can guard the capital. And during this period of lofty aspirations and high ideals, he can naturally check on the tigers and wolves in the west, can check on Our foreign aggressors.

"We will consider it."

Li Chen's expression relaxed. The emperor's gaze fell upon him once more and he smiled. "Return."

Li Chen dropped to kneel and then retreated.

The moment the news of the emperor's agreement had spread to Ganzheng Palace, the empress and the Fourth Imperial Prince had just started a round of chess. As usual, the empress was acting generously during their game. She saw that her son's heart wasn't in it but did not find fault in him. The Fourth Imperial Prince hesitated for a while, before saying, "Imperial Mother, should Son-Official also request from Imperial Father permission to follow Second Brother and temper myself?"

The empress placed a piece on the chess board. Upon her lips, a smile as light as a cloud. "For what reason? One would fear that the result of your request would be the same as Prince Qing's."

"But if Son-Official were to make a request, it would not be to ask Imperial Father to grant troops. Son-Official would mimic Second Brother and become a Commander of a Hundred, only bringing one hundred men to the border. Back then, Third Brother had asked for tens of thousands of the best troops."

The empress said, "Yet in your Imperial Father's heart, your and Prince Qing's motives are the same." Her tone grew increasingly cold as she spoke.

The game had yet to end, but the empress called a servant girl over in a magnanimous manner to pack up the pieces. She slowly said, "However, your Second Brother is different... He will just be a Commander of a Hundred. Zhao Weidou will not dare to call your Second Brother to the front lines. Let us see."

Once the Imperial Exams ended, the Fourth Imperial Prince would move to his own estate. Then in May, he would marry Marquis Wuding's eldest daughter, Miss Su. As the empress thought this over, the corners of her lips tilted upward. Count Ziyang had already retired and relinquished his army. The Marquis of Beichang had also done so. On the other hand, the eldest young master of Marquis Wuding's household had military experience since long ago. This time, among Zhao Weidou's men were troops under Eldest Young Master Su's command.  

Once Li Chen had returned to his estate, he made for his study. After he had stayed there for two hours, the sky had grown dark. The days were usually chill, the weather growing progressively colder. From the sky occasionally tumbled flakes of snow, pale and soft, melting once they hit the ground.

Qi Yunruo had taken a nap during the noon. And he had slept until now. He did not have much of an appetite. Holding a bowl of porridge, he stirred the contents with a spoon. It wasn't until a while later that he took a mouthful.

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