Enty felt her coat being pulled' she looked to see who it was.

Amagi-chan: Mommy, why is everyone running around? Is something happening?

Enty: Yes, my dear, but would you do mommy a favor and head outside for now? Everyone here is busy.

Amagi-chan: Would you give me ice cream later?

Enty: Anything for you.

Vestal rushes into the room, nearly bursting through the door. She was gasping for air before finally composing herself.

Vestal: Amagi! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you.

Amagi-chan: Sorry, aunt Vestal, I just wanted to see mommy.

Vestal: Don't ever do that again.

Both of them rush out of the room. Ark Royal looks to Enty.

Royal: How do we warn Azur Lane?

Enty: Send in a fake transmission once we discover the location of the attack.

Manjuu 1: *tweet *tweet* (I have a possible id on the location!)

Enty: Where?

Manjuu 1: *tweet* *tweet* (Code suggests that we have a possible attack on a location codenamed AF.)

Enty: If we are to present this to Azur Lane, we need something more concrete

Manjuu 1: *tweet* *tweet* *tweet* (Intelligence from HQ says that the island they are attacking is out of fresh water.)

Royal: Interesting, Enty. I heard that one of our FOBs in Midway accidentally sent out an unencrypted transmission that their water plant was broken. That proves Midway is AF.

Enty smiles.

Enty: Okay, tell our agent, Monarch, that everyone now agrees where the attack will be held. We just need to know how many are coming.

Manjuu 2: *tweet* tweet* (Bad news, Enterprise has already been sent to the South Pacific.)

Azur Lane HQ

100 hours before the attack.

Wales: Are you sure we can trust this intel?

Monarch: Everything written on that paper makes sense. We took the bait, and now Enterprise is unavailable to us.

Suddenly they heard a commotion outside Wale's office

Hornet: No, sister, you can't.

Yorktown: I will if I have to, Hornet!

Wales: Look, you can't even stand. You are heavily damaged, and repairing your ship will take at least two weeks 'what you're saying right now can't be done.

Yorktown looked at Hornet, and she gritted her teeth. Everyone heard the commotion and went to see what was going on. Yorktown grabbed the armrest of her wheelchair, trying to stand up.

Hornet: Sister, stop!

Yorktown: Get back, Hornet...! Get back.

Yorktown used every ounce of strength in her just to push the pain in the back of her head. She stood up straight and said.

Yorktown: Do not tell me, it can't be done...!

Azur Lane dry dock

Hornet: Vestal!

Vestal: Yes

Hornet: How is sister's ship?

Vestal: It- Oh, hey, Yorktown!

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now