Haunting Past

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Somewhere in the Pacific ocean

We return to the girls who looked at Enty with; both fear and disgust. 

Enty: Arizona, take aim and fire broadsides but make sure not to kill them.

Enty orders, but not believing Enty could fall so low, she looked at her again, hoping' what she heard wasn't what she thought it was.

Enty: I gave you a direct order Arizona; you do not disobey a commanding officer.

Arizona was about to follow her order when Hornet stopped her.

Hornet: Don't do it, Arizona!

Enty: What do you think you're doing?

Hornet: We will not fall as low as the sirens' this stands against all the values Eagle Union upholds.

Enty: Don't be naive; they won't hesitate to kill you without question.

Hornet: Just because they would doesn't mean we should as well.

Hornet was visibly disappointed.

Hornet: I don't know what world you come from but don't apply your logic here.

As the two were arguing in the distance, a rescue fleet lies in wait to save their captured comrades.

Z23: There they are!

Z23 shouted at the others.

Ayanami: We don't have much time left; it's all or nothing.

Ayanami gestured for the others to take up positions and cover them while they move to rescue the three girls who are watching Hornet's and Enty's argument unfold.

Hornet: The sister I know wouldn't torture prisoners.

Enty: that's where you're wrong, my little Hornet. I'm like her in every way; the only difference is she learned to show who she is, a caring and loving sister, while I was devoid of such luxuries.

Enty looked solemnly at Hornet.

Enty: And the reason I'm putting up this experiment is not just for practical research but also for something personal.

Hornet: What kind?

Enty: One that occurs if they kill your loved ones.

But before Hornet was able to retort, explosions rocked the battlefield.

Javelin: We're under attack!!! Laffey, wake up!!!

Ayanami: Z23, grab Prinz, Yukikaze, and I will take Shokaku and Zuikaku.

Enty: Never; never make me angry, or I promise you pain without end!

Takao: Take this!

Enty dodged the shots, but she was unable to counterattack due to her injuries.

Enty: Don't let them escape.

Enty ordered, but slowly they were pushed back. Outnumbered and outgunned, they were forced to retreat.

Enty: Shit! Retreat!

Enty didn't have to tell them twice, and they turned tail.

Enty: Is everyone okay?

The shipgirls received only minor injuries, but what frustrated Enty was that her prisoners escaped.

Javelin: How are we going to tell Wales the reason they escaped.

Long Island: I think Enty will be the one explaining.

Hornet: Ya got that right.

Enty: *sighs* You are dismissed' I still have to compile a report.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now