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Sakura Empire War Council

148 hours before the attack

Hiryuu: Azur Lane took the bait, and the Grey Ghost is out of the picture for now. Now is the time to strike.

Souryuu: We don't have the manpower to do so. We need more time, but I assume it was already decided and scheduled.

Souryuu looks to Nagato.

Souryuu: Lady Nagato, we are not ready to take on Azur Lane. There has to be some miracle weapon to at least turn the tides.

Akagi: That's precisely what we have at our disposal.

Akagi places the black mental cube on the table.

Akagi: I finally found out how to harness the mental cube's power. This will allow me to teleport our shipgirls to surprise Azur Lane from their rear while the mass-produced ships pin them down long enough to spring our ambush.

Souryuu: You're basing your plan on the notion that we have enough shipgirls to ambush them. 

Hiryuu: This is the only opportunity to strike Azur Lane, they won't be this vulnerable for some time, and by then, we would've run out of resources.

Souryuu: The one that is guzzling our resources in the first place is Akagi's super weapon. Who knows if it would even work?

Hiryuu: We spent too many resources to give up on it now!

Souryuu: This will only guarantee us a slow death. We could be using those resources to rush the repairs of our fellow shipgirls.

Mikasa: The way I see it, those are all terrible ideas, but they are the only options left to us.

Hiryuu: You always disagree on everything!

Mikasa: Someone has to be on neutral ground.

Mutsu: So what's it gonna be? Do we attack with the limited strength we have left, or do we cut our losses and shut down Orochi and go on the defensive?

Nagato ponders the effects of her decision. Iron Blood has been quiet for a while now. They are on their own in this fight. But Mikasa is right, these are both terrible ideas, but they both lead to victory or defeat.

Nagato: Proceed on schedule nothing will change.

Souryuu: *sighs* Yes, lady Nagato.

AIA base Azur Lane

112 hours before the attack

Manjuus are scrambling to get any bit of information they can get. The announcement of a possible attack on Azur Lane by their undercover agent in Sakura Empire has left them in a frenzy. Ark Royal is struggling to coordinate the manjuus in the schizophrenic chaos that can only be seen in Enty's world before D-Day.


Manjuu 2: *tweet* *tweet* (Manghost 1-1, continue your observation, then withdraw to point Alpha.)


Manjuu 3: *tweet* (Here, ma'am.)

Royal: Thank you!

Enty walks into the command center with a stern look.

Enty: Do we have a possible id on the location?

Royal: Nothing so far. We have our spotter working overtime.

Enty's mind: This would be a lot easier with our satellites.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now