[ The King & His Treasure ]

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My hands are shaking and i can't stop feeling the chills in my back, i even had goosebumps over my body. Am i overwhelmed? Or am i cold because the weather is bad? No, is this me being scared?


The King, Enkidu and i started our journey. Everything is going smoothly. The monsters we encountered along the way were all slain by the King and Enkidu so, there's really nothing to be worried about but i can't seem to calm the nervousness im feeling since we left Ziggurat. There's this weird feeling that i can't seem to shake off me.

As i was deep in my own thoughts i felt Enkidu looking at me. I flinched in surprise as i sigh. Let's not think about it and just focus on this journey.

"Is something wrong Sensaimara?"

"Oh, no it's nothing Enkidu... By the way are we really just going around without a set place?"

"Yeah, Im gonna go wherever i want to, is what he said."

"I see, well it is also good to look around aimlessly."

Enkidu closed his eyes as he answered.
"You're right. Going wherever you want to go is better than having someone dictate where you go."

I listened to Enkidu in silence. How he said it feels like it's just a small and light thing, but it's somehow sounded heavy. As we continue to travel we arrived near the sea. We watch the calm beautiful sea as the sun slowly went down.

"Since the sun is about to set. How about we rest here for tonight?" Enkidu asked as he look at King Gilgamesh who was still looking at the sea.

The King was silent for a while before he look at Enkidu and slightly nodded his head as he answered back. "Yeah, let's do that."

And so we set for our camp tonight, after that we prepared a small feast for the three of us. We ate and drink, filled the night with laughter until i felt the sleepiness visit me.

"Your Majesty and Enkidu, may i excuse myself? I really feel sleepy."

"Hmp! I don't really care you go and sleep." The king answered.

Enkidu chuckled as he gently said. "Yeah, you should go and rest now. Good night Sensaimara."

"Yeah, good night to the both of you too." I said as i left the two near the shore. As soon as i lay my body on the ground i fell asleep.



A sudden loud sound woke me. "What's that sound!?" I immediately get up from were i was lying and went outside the tent it was raining. The weather is kinda bad. I went near the place where i heard the loud sound.

I saw the King kneeling on the ground. I got worried and run towards him and as my distance to King Gilgamesh shorten. I saw why he was kneeling like that. In his arms there was Enkidu.

My eyes widened. I wasn't able to have another step forward. Enkidu, he has cracks over his body starting from his legs to his body arms and face. Just what is happening? I thought to my self as i felt my heart beat faster.

As i was nervous to ask the King about what happened i just silently stand there when i felt a strong presence that was looking at us. King Gilgamesh look at the sky. He doesn't have any emotion on his face as he did that.

I also look up to see a figure of a woman floating in there. "Who is that...?" I mumbled.

"Ishtar..." The King also mumbled.

"Ishtar!?" You mean that Goddess!? I thought to myself as i felt my hands are shaking and i can't stop feeling the chills in my back, i even had goosebumps over my body. Am i overwhelmed? Or am i cold because the weather is bad? No, is this me being scared?

Why is the Goddess here? I asked myself as i averted my eyes to where Ishtar is. I can't look up. The pressure i feel is too much for a normal human to be able to stand. I felt my knees become weaker and fell to the ground. Is this what it feels to be in the presence of a higher being?

I look at King Gilgamesh he was still looking at the sky. The rain became harder and the presence of the Goddess slowly vanished. King Gilgamesh look at Enkidu who was in his arms.

Enkidu tried his best to lift his arm and place his hand to the King's face and slowly caress it. "I guess this is where it ends." He said with a weak voice almost as if he was whispering.

"Enkidu." The King called.

"I wish i could travel more with you." Enkidu's feet crumbled as he said that.

"I wish we could fight more."

His other feet also crumbled.

"I wish we could talk more."

His legs also started to crumble. I can see Enkidu's hand shaking.

"I wish we could-"

A loud thunder echoed and i wasn't able to hear what Enkidu was saying. All i see is him smiling as his hands also crumbled.

King Gilgamesh look at Enkidu as he slowly close the distnce between him and Enkidu. He whispered something but i wasn't able to hear it. All i see is Enkidu smiling for King Gilgamesh who kissed his forehead.

After that kiss, it's as if it was a trigger Enkidu's body crumbled completely, his body turned into pieces of brown and fell to the ground as if coming back to where it belongs.

"Enkidu..." I mumbled as i felt a tears in my eyes.

I look at King Gilgamesh, he was looking at the place where Enkidu had just been before looking back at the sky.

King Gilgamesh didn't say anything and i also didn't ask anything. The strong rain continued to fall the thunders are quiet loud but strangely it also feels quiet.

I wonder if King Gilgamesh is crying? maybe this strong rain is a reflection of King Gilgamesh feelings.

We stayed there for a long time until the rain stopped. King Gilgamesh started to talk. "He was meant to kill me."

My eyes widened to what i just heard. Meant to kill the King? Enkidu is?

"A weapon created by the Gods to stop me, but he wasn't able to do that and chose to accept the Gods punishment."

As King Gilgamesh told me that, my heart felt heavy. If i feel this heavy, how much heavy the King must feel now. He had been with Enkidu the longest. I can't imagine how he felt.

After that the two of us went back to Uruk. The King declared Enkidu's passing and many people mourned his death. I wasn't able to leave uruk immediately because of it. I want to see it until the end.

After some days uruk became lively again. As i walk inside Ziggurat, memories flashed through my eyes. My stay here in Ziggurat, how i saw the King and Enkidu's everyday life. I smiled as i passed through the rooms of my memories with them.

"Your Majesty." I greet as i bowed.

King Gilgamesh started to speak. "So, today you are leaving?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for taking care of me and letting me stay."

"Mm. Take care."

"You too, Your Majesty." As i was about to leave.

I look back again at the King as i said. "The story is finished Your Majesty." I saw a small smile appeared at King Gilgamesh as i turned back and left Uruk.

[ Title: The King & His Treasure ]

The End.

The King & His Treasure (Gilgamesh x Enkidu)Where stories live. Discover now