[Warm but also cold]

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The days i spent here in Uruk made me think that i was not just an ordinary writer but also a stalker. I sighed at my thoughts as i was following King Gilgamesh and Enkidu again.

"Mm." The two of them are in the bath. I was hesitating whether to peek inside or not.

Currently im outside the bathroom of the King. Of course i sneaked in. Though it's not something to be proud of. I sigh at myself again for being shameless. Can you blame though? Im curious! Very curious. It's pretty bad...

I tried to open a little the beautiful red curtain covering the bathroom. There i saw Gilgamesh and Enkidu soaking in the bath. Of course naked. Half of their body is soaked in the water so the only thing i can see clearly is their upper body.

I was staring at them for a while i feel like my eyeballs are about to pop out because i've been staring at them intensely when i heard a splash of water.

I flinch in surprise as i had a thought that they might felt my stare when i heard the King starting to speak. "Come here Enkidu."

Enkidu didn't say anything as he sat in front of King Gilgamesh whose now facing Enkidu's back. The King slowly caress Enkidu's back from top to bottom. He then started to comb Enkidu's long green hair with his hand.

Enkidu just silently stayed there before he opened his mouth. I think he was about to say something when King Gilgamesh spoke first. "How many days...?"

I tilted my head in confusion to the King's question. I look at Enkidu's reaction to see if he knows what it means. Enkidu just let a small smile. "Who knows? The Gods are the one who will decide..." He said with a nonchalant look but if you listen to him carefully you can hear his voice shaking a little. There seems to be emotions i can't read inside his eyes. It feels like a mixture of saddness and happiness.

"Hmm." King Gilgamesh continued to comb Enkidu's hair with his hand.

Enkidu look back at Gilgamesh. "Will you cry?" He asked with a sly smile in his face.

Gilgamesh just frowned without answering. Enkidu's sly smile disappeared. The two of them became silent for a while and the only thing you can hear are the little drops of water from the King's hand that are still combing Enkidu's hair.

"I like how warm you are Gil... It feels comfortable."

"Then it's good."

Enkidu chuckled he opened and closed his mouth. I think he was hesitating to say something.

The King then peeked at Enkidu who was not saying anything. He grabbed his chin to make Enkidu look at him. The King then sighed. "You are warm, but also cold."

Enkidu blinked his eyes twice he seems confuse. Well im confused as well. As i was about to think of it. The King started to explain.

"Enkidu no need to be warm like everyone. Your body might be cold but it just feel comfortable for me since im warm."

Enkidu chuckled. The King who was combing Enkidu's hair with his hand. Kissed the hair that he was holding. "Enkidu." The King called in a low voice.
"Let's go out."

Enkidu look back at King Gilgamesh as he asked. "To where?"

"Anywhere is fine."

Enkidu let out a small smile. The King didn't see it as Enkidu was not looking at him. Enkidu then started to speak. "Okey, let's go."

The two of them stand up. I immediately left there. They might saw me if i stay there any longer. I run until i arrived at my room.

I then sat at my chair. I was wondering of the weird atmosphere earlier in the King's bath. Like no matter how much they smile and laugh there's this feeling of loneliness. Why is that?

"And what the King just ask about 'how many days?' just what is that all about?"

It's not something sad is it...? I wondered as i stared outside my window. Speaking of ' How many days?' I also got 1 week to stay here before i leave. "Aww im gonna miss Ziggurat and their foods!" Well not just Ziggurat...but the people i met here. Enkidu and King Gilgamseh. I thought to myself as i felt a tear falling from my eyes.

I sighed. I need to fully enjoy my stay here with them! I decided as i ate the fruit in my table.

A little later, a servant called me. "Lady Sensaimara. The King has called you."

"Okey, i'll come now." As i said that i followed the servant to where the King is.

I bowed my head as i greeted the King. "I greet his Majesty." I look at him as i asked. "What does his Majesty need of me?"

"I want you to come with us."

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, don't worry it's just the three of us this time. You, Enkidu and me."

"I understand."

"Okey. We'll leave at 3pm."

Just like that i went back to my room to prepare myself for another journey with the King and Enkidu. Though unlike the first place we went on im somehow nervous this time.

"I wonder why is that?" I asked myself as i placed my hand on my chest feeling the nervous beating of my heart. "Maybe because were leaving without any guards? Yup, maybe it's because of that.

As i thought of those things the time for us to leave arrived. The King and Enkidu was waiting for me near the exit of the Ziggurat.

After that i realized why am i feeling nervous. I am standing behind the King as i saw what happened.

"Just what is happening...?" I asked myself as i felt my hands shaking.

Tbc ...

The King & His Treasure (Gilgamesh x Enkidu)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora