[Eating can also be greed]

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It's been a day since we came back from the west. Tomorrow is the celebration i've been waiting for. Im looking outside my window as i thought of treasures.

Yeah, right. One of the reasons i want to meet King Gilgamesh is to know about his treasures, but how am i supposed to ask something like that?

Like, Your Majesty please let me see you treasure? ... He might thought im here to robbed him!

Well, i don't think im such a threat to him. I'm not even a fighter since all i do is travel and write. I left all the fighting to the fighters. "Haa..."

"Lady Sensaimara?" Someone called to me.

"Oh, yes? What is it?" I look back and saw a woman bowing her head towards me.

"Sir Enkidu invited you to eat with them."

Seriously?! I got to eat with the King and Enkidu? "Thank you."

The woman smiled at me as she left.

I need to wear a proper clothes to not embarrassed myself. Oh, i-i must control this stomach of mine.


As i entered the dining area i felt my eyes widened. What i saw is a long table full of food. It's like feast! My resolve is wavering... The plates spoon, fork and glasses are all extravagant. The whole table is shining. It's blinding...

The woman who is arranging the table guided me to my seat. It is beside the center chair.

I feel so nervous that i can't look around me beside the plate in front of me. A while later the King and Enkidu entered the dining area.

I stand up from my seat and bowed my head to the King to greet him. The King sat on the chair in the center end of the table. Enkidu sat beside him and across mine.

"Let's eat." The King gave a short message and we started eating.

The dining area is silent and the only thing you can hear is the sound of the glass hitting each other. King Gilgamesh stopped eating for a while i can't help but get curious as i took a look at him. He was looking at Enkidu. "Eat more, you're getting skinny."

"I can say the same to you Gil."


Enkidu sighed at that time and look back at me who was staring at him. "You can eat more Sensaimara."

"Oh, it's already enough."

"Really?" Enkidu asked with a smile in his face.

Augh, i think Enkidu is teasing me.

The King let out a small laugh that time. "I guess you are also greedy." He said as he continue to speak. He wasn't looking at anyone, but i know he was talking to me. I can't help but smile at that time.

As i eat my food i observed the King whose just beside me, but since the table is large. We still have a certain distance between us.

The King eats elegantly as he drink his wine. The thing that i notice most of that time is that, the King would often take a glance at Enkidu. Enkidu is doing the same.

What's wrong with this two?

I don't know why they are stealing glances at each other, but it's pretty weird and im becoming curious again.

Enkidu might have felt my confusion as he started to talk to me. "We're just controlling our greediness."

I felt my eyes widened at that time. Ah, i see so it's like that. I realized something as i remember their conversation after what their called 'play' in the forest to the West was done.

King Gilgamesh let out a chuckle as he look at me. "Woman, are you curious?" His stare felt so cold.

I got a chill down my spine from that stare i want to say no, but i felt like the good answer to the King is an honest one so i answered as i look straight at him. "Yes, im curious Your Majesty."

The King then laughed. "Honest, aren't you?" He said as he put down his glass in the table and continued. "I like that, but you can't be too curious. You might die."

Wha- i was speechless at what the King said. It doesn't feel like a normal warning. My gosh that's so scary!

That's the first time i felt full even though i just ate half of the plate worth of food.


That night, once again i decided to go to the terrace Enkidu toured me. This time no one is there. Nice, i got lucky today. I look at the outside i feel like im flying. It's so high i felt like i might reach the sky.

"Oh, i should write about this."

Some time passed by i finish my writing. I decide to go back to my room since it's pretty late. When i suddenly felt hungry. Yeah right, i only ate half of the plate worth of food. I went down the kitchen when i saw Enkidu eating a fruit. "En-" I was about to call him when i saw King Gilgamesh walk towards Enkidu. I immediately hid myself.

"How is it?" The King asked.

"It's sweet."


"You want some?

"Yeah, let me have a taste."

Enkidu handed King Gilgamesh the fruit he is eating. Gilgamesh stared at Enkidu that time, no to be exact he's staring at Enkidu's lips.

The King grabbed Enkidu's wrist with a hand that has a fruit in it. He then wiped Enkidu's lips with his thumb as he kissed Enkidu's lips and lick it afterwards. He started to chew something.

What? What happened i didn't even saw him took a bite of the fruit. How is he...

"Too sweet for me." The King said as he walked away from Enkidu and continued. "Enkidu, go to the terrace after your done. Im sleepy."

Enkidu didn't say anything as he watch the King left the kitchen. I look at Enkidu who is not saying anything in confusion.

Enkidu then touch his lips that was just kissed by the King and mumbled. "How dare he steal..." It was enough for me to hear as the kitchen is silent with no one in there besides Enkidu and the me that is hiding.

After he mumbled that i then realized what happened, so it's not a normal kiss... I look at Enkidu to observe his reaction. That's some kinda hot scene i saw... Enkidu has a smile in his face.

Now that's some smile he has. Two of the smile that is not supposed to be seen by me is now engraved in my mind.


I came back to my room and realize i didn't resolve my problem. "Im hungry..."

But after what happened at the kitchen i don't think i can bring myself to go there tonight. I want to write, but it's not something i should write.

I lay on my bed as i heard my stomach growling. "Augh..." Now that i think of it, im Becoming more accustomed to hiding. Is it a good thing though...?

I then closed my eyes as i remember what happened in the kitchen earlier.
"I guess eating can also be greed."


The King & His Treasure (Gilgamesh x Enkidu)Where stories live. Discover now