[King of Uruk, Gilgamesh]

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After talking to Enkidu, i went back to the place im staying in. I ate a lot again... i think my appetite is a little embarrassing.

I went to my room after eating and lay on my bed as i stare outside my window.

I started to remember the conversation i had with Enkidu.

'Why... Do you look sad when you talked about the King, Enkidu?'

Enkidu remained silent for a while before he answered. 'It's because...even though i love him. Forever can't be forgiven, as the chains of heaven is only here to bind the heaven's wedge.' Is what Enkidu told me, i didn't get much of it though, but i pretty much understand his love for the King.

Chain's of heavens and wedge...what does that mean?

Enkidu love the King how about the King? Does he also love Enkidu? Im becoming more and more curious about the King. I want to meet the King who is so much loved by this person. I really hope i can meet him soon.


Another morning arrived, though today is a little bit cloudy. I wonder if it's gonna rain? I stared at the dark clouds above Uruk that is slowly eating up the sky through my window.

I wonder what is Enkidu doing today? I want to talk to him again. He said he will meet me again if he can get time for the King to spare time in meeting me.

I hope it's not a bother. I heard the King is pretty busy. While thinking of that a small drop of water started to fall from the sky. "Oh, it's raining."



The small raindrops turned into strong drops of water. The wind started to get stronger too. Some of the shops started to close. "I can't go out today huh..."

Im a little disappointed as i can't explore Uruk today, so i just decided to write some of my first experience here in Uruk. When i suddenly heard a knock at my door.

I opened the door and saw the owner's son. "Hey!"

"What is it boy?"

"I wonder if you can tell me story? Im pretty bored and it's raining today so i can go out to play outside." The boy said with a disappointed look in his face.

I patted his head and smiled at him. "Cheer up boy, come on in. I'll tell you a story."

The boy's expression brightened up.


"Thank you for reading me a story Sensaimara! It's a really good story. I love it!"

"Im glad you liked it."

The rain is now a little weak compare to earlier, but the sky is still dark. I decide to went down stairs to help the owner if she has some hard time doing things.

"Thank you for help."

"It's nothing. Im staying here and you've taken care of me, i can atleast do this much."

As i was helping her i saw a two shadows on the floor near the entrance. I immediately look at there to see who it is. I started to smile as i saw a familiar face. "Enkidu!"

"Hello, Sensaimara."

"I didn't thought you'll come here in this weather."

Enkidu smiled as he look at the man beside him. I look at the man whose taller than Enkidu.

He is a handsome man with a gold like hair and a ruby like eyes. He is also pale like Enkidu. He has this intimidating aura that make you feel pressured. As i observed him i started to realize who is he. The man standing beside Enkidu is the King! He is the King of Uruk!

The owner whose beside me was speechless. Her eyes widened. You can see a shock in her face same with her son. She and her son immediately bowed down to the man.

I became nervous and started to bow my head towards the King. That time i heard the King spoke. "Lift your heads up." It was a cold but clear voice.

I slowly lift my head up to look at the King and the both of us made eye contact. His eyes look piercing. As if he can see all of you. I started to hear my own heartbeat.

The owner who look at the King immediately look away and calmly offered a seat. "Please have a seat Your Majesty and Sir Enkidu."

Im amaze at how the owner immediately regained her calmness.

"Thank you." Enkidu said as he sat at the chair.

The King sat beside Enkidu.

"Well, then let me introduce you." Enkidu look at me with a smile in his face as he continued. "This is the King of Uruk, Gilgamesh."

The king silently stared at me with his arm crossed, he was frowning. I-is he mad at me? I feel like im being pierced by a knife with his stare. It doesn't physically hurt, but im pretty damage mentally.

As i was about to introduce myself. The King made a noise. "Hmm..."

Enkidu started to speak at that time. "She's the one i told you last night."

"Hoh? The writer."


"My name is Sensaimara. It's a pleasure to meet His Majesty."

"I heard you want to meet me?"

"Yes, i want to create a story of Uruk and His Majesty."

"Hah! Is this all you want? Im a pretty busy person. Lucky you i got a little time to spare today but, i don't have time to tell you about my great tales."

"Forgive me Your Majesty."

Enkidu look at me as he started thinking about something. "Gil, how about letting her watch you work?" Enkidu suggested.

The King look at Enkidu that time. Compared to how he look at me with a frown in his face. The way he look at Enkidu is... How can i say this? Gentle? Like he was looking at something precious...

"Hmm. That isn't a bad idea. Okey i've decided. You are to stay at Ziggurat."

That time i felt my eyes widened. What?! Am i really going to stay there? At the King's place?!

"Your Majesty." The owner interjected that time. "please forgive us for this is the only food we can prepare." The owner said as she put a basket full of foods in the table.

The King stared at the food before he eat some of it and stand at his seat. "It is indeed unsatisfying, but thank you." He said as he went out the house. "No need to see me off. You, the writer. Come to Ziggurat tomorrow." He said as he walked towards the door.

Enkidu look at me at that time with a smile in his face as he said. "Good for you Sensaimara."

The King then left the house and i was able to breathe properly again. So he is the King. "The King of Uruk, Gilgamesh."


The King & His Treasure (Gilgamesh x Enkidu)Where stories live. Discover now