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While traveling across the lands. I heard about a certain King from Uruk whose said to owns all of the treasures. I became curious as to what kind of King he is and decided to pay a visit since it's on my way, i decided to stay there for a while.

3 days later, i arrived at Uruk.

"Wow!" This place is more beautiful than i thought. Im becoming more excited!

As i walk around, i noticed that this place is lively and the people seems to be enjoying themselves... "It has a nice atmosphere..." Oh! I should look for a place to stay first.

The people here are welcoming and i immediately got a place to stay. The place i got to stay is near the Ziggurat where the King stays. My room is on the second floor. It's pretty clean and i can get a full view of Ziggurat.

"It's pretty big up close." I watch the people ouside my window for a while. The busy market and the smile of people working and walking around made me smile for some reason.

Since im a little tired today i decided to go around Uruk tomorrow. I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while when i suddenly heard a knock on my door.

"Excuse me, i just wanna ask if you are going to have dinner somewhere?"

I stand up from the bed and opened the door. I saw a boy standing there looking up to me with a smile in his face. I think he's the son of the owner? "Boy, sorry. I don't really know this place. It's my first time here."

"Oh, is that so? Then how about having dinner with us?"

"Really? Will it be alright?"

"Of course! I'll tell my mother!" The boy said as he waved his hand to me and went down the stairs.

He's an energetic kid.



"Have some of this." A woman whose around the age of 40 said as she hand me out more food that is first time for me to see.

It's all delicious! I might get fat if it's this good! "Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing. It's been a while since we had a visitor. What was your name again? Sensen?"

"Haha! No ma'am, it's Sensaimara."

"Oh, sorry. Your name is pretty unique."

"Hehe a lot of people tell me that."

"Hoho is that so! By the way how long will you stay here?"

"Hmm... I haven't decided of the number of days to stay..."

"Is that so? Oh! Now that i think of it there would be a celebration in Ziggurat next week."

"A celebration?"

"Yeah, the King is celebrating for the new project he built. You should stay here for a while and celebrate with us."

"Yeah! Join us Sensaimara. It would be fun!" The boy said in an energetic voice with his eyes sparkling of joy.

"Alright! I guess im gonna stay here until next week." It might be my chance to meet the King!


After dinner, i went back to my room. I can't believe i ate three plates of food. I feel sleepy after eating, but when i saw the night view outside my window, i can't help but stare at it.

I look at the Ziggurat.

Im thinking of an excuse to meet the king. Good thing there would be a celebration. I can see him! If i would be lucky i might be able to talk to him! Wow! Im excited i can't wait to write about it!

"Since im staying here for two weeks, i should take a look around."

And so i slept the night in a good mood.


Morning comes in Uruk. The sun shined through my wide window. I can start to hear the the voices of people outside. I look out my window and see the people starting to open their shops.

I stretch my body to start my morning. "Time to explore Uruk!"

"Sensaimara?" The owner called me outside the door.

I opened the door. She was standing there as she slightly bowed to greet me. "How's your sleep? I hope it's not uncomfortable."

"Oh no! I slept like a log!"

"Hahaha! Is that so then im glad. Come down stairs i already prepared the breakfast."

"Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing."

I followed the owner downstairs and saw the table full of food again like last night. The boy was arranging the plates when i made eye contact with him. He immediately run toward me with a wide smile in his face. "Sensaimara, good morning!"

I patted his head as i smiled back and greeted him back. "Good morning too!"


"Will you be returning for lunch?" The owner asked as she see me out the house.

"I might eat somewhere for lunch."

"I see. Then have this snack. I made this for you. I hope you enjoy looking around Uruk."

"Wow! Thank you so much ma'am."

"It's no problem."

"See you later Sensaimara!" The boy said as he waved his hand to me.

I waved back to him as i left. Today Im walking around Uruk.


The King & His Treasure (Gilgamesh x Enkidu)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz