Chapter 2 - The Ultimate Way To Reincarnate

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I will curse those guys that are supposed to reincarnate me inwardly forever if they ever show themselves in front of me.

I just wish there was something to vent my frustrations on. Sigh... Too bad, I can only curse this pitch-black space in front of me.




That's it. I feel better now.

Anyway, among the abilities I have in this space, the one standing out a great deal is my dual consciousness. I found myself thinking with two separate minds not long ago, and I became aware of it.

And this ability is too powerful, with the combination of my permanent memories, indefinite expansion of information, and dual consciousness.

The specifics of this ability are the following: I can split my consciousness into two categories, A and B. Consciousness A is me, the primary source, while consciousness B is the duplicate copy of the primary source.

What's good about this ability, you ask? Well, here's the thing, splitting consciousness means multiplying my intellectual capacity in this space, which means more brain power.

You can compare it to a computer's processor. The more cores they have, the more power output they make. But as a consciousness with indefinite memory capacity and expanding knowledge, this is overkill.

For example, I, the primary source, am an independent core that wants to focus my brain power on maximizing my chuunibyou thinking ability.

While consciousness B will support me by processing miscellaneous information like the calculations and predictions that can exceed more than a billion years ahead in the future, in countless variations.

Consciousness B can also formulate a single idea into numerous variations. Additionally, since I, the primary source, and consciousness B are split, I can filter any information I receive from consciousness B.

You can say it's something like a secretary or assistant that will boost and support my purposes.

This ability is going to become very handy if I was just alive... Ugh... I can't help but think about it... I have to put up with it, for now, I guess.

Anyway, the dual consciousness will also keep my humanity intact.

It will be my memories filter that will prevent me from unconsciously thinking about unnecessary thoughts.

With this ability, I will still stay human at heart no matter how much I will grow further in the future.


131 billion years later...



What do you think if you somehow get into a similar situation? Will you be sad? Will you be happy? Or just let things proceed however it goes? Because I experienced both hell and heaven, and that is until now. And I am about to experience the third, to see the results of my patience enduring both experiences...

Seconds fly by too fast, but the feeling of time is frozen for me at this point. In fact, no matter how much time passed, it will be equivalent to almost a second to me.

I wonder what people will call me now that my age is more than 238 billion years... Would I even be able to stand side by side with the people back on Earth if I came back to them with my current me?

I Reincarnated as a Black HoleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ