-One Week Later-

I wave goodbye to Vör as I'm beamed back to Earth. Apparently the Loki thing was just a ruse to get to come in the first place. I was taught how to use my power to its full potential. I feel ready for anything. We're beamed back on the roof of the abandoned building that I call home. Thor looks down at me, "You know, you don't have to stay here. You can always come back to Asgard." I chuckle, "I know but I kind of like it here. Plus, apparently I have a love that I may or may not miss out on if I'm not here." He smiles and nods before putting up a finger, "Ah, I almost forgot. I had this made for you." He hands me a silver gun with vibrant blue stripes going through it, "I know you're more of gunslinger than a melee type. It's magical gun that only you or someone worthy of you can shoot." I chuckle, "Worthy of me?" He nods, "Yes. They have to be of pure heart and truly love you or else it will lock up." I smirk, "Thank you, Thor. I really appreciate everything you and Vör did for me. Don't tell anyone but I also kind of like having a brother." He playfully punches my arm before pulling me in for a hug, "Anytime you need anything, call to me and I will come." I pull away and look up at him, "Call to you?" He nods, "Yes, look up at the sky and call to me. It may take a moment for me to hear but we're connected, I'll hear you and I'll come. Until next time." He put his hammer up and beamed out of there. I chuckled as I turned around, looking down at the gun he handed me. I looked closely at it and saw it was engraved, "Freya." I read it aloud before shaking my head and walking toward the door. I was startled as Barnes walked out of the shadows, "So are you and the flying guy like a thing now?" He asked. I chuckle, "Actually turns out, he's my half-brother." He looks at me in shock, "You're a god?" I shrug, "Goddess, but it doesn't change anything besides now I know who I truly am and you're actually the original winter soldier technically because the serum just activated what was already inside of me." He shook his head, "You are. Whether it was the serum or not, Hydra has you listed as the original so you can't change history." He chuckles softly. Something he said earlier ran back into my mind, "Wait. Why did you ask me if Thor and I were together?" I look around for a moment, "Also, what are you even doing here? I thought you were in Romania." He sighs deeply, "Steve actually came and got me to bring me back here. Somebody framed me and I'm basically just in hiding until Steve figures something out." I nod then ask, "What about the Thor part though? Did the thought of me being with him bother you at all?" He shrugs then changes the subject, "You seem a little more human than you were when I last saw you." I chuckle, "So do you but I guess finding out you're more than just a programmed assassin brings you to life a little." 

He follows me to my place, I shut the door behind him and set my new gun down on the table. He notices the glowing blue hue on it, "Thats pretty cool. Does it have magical powers or something?" I chuckle, "He said he had it made to where only me or someone worthy of me could shoot it." He looks confused by what I said but went with it, "Worthy of you?" I nod, "I had the same question. Apparently the person that is 'worthy' of me has to have a pure heart and truly love me." I scoff at the thought before Barnes quickly grabs the gun and shoots it at the wall. My eyes widen as he sets the gun back down and glances over at me. He avoids eye contact with me as he says, "I thought about you everyday that I was there. As I was getting to know myself, my mind kept going back to you. Even though I was trying to kill you while I was under, you still helped me afterward. You even had a chance to kill me and you let me go. I may be mislabeling the feelings I have for you but if what Thor said about that gun is true, then I'm in love with you which is insane because I barely even know you but you are the only person in the world who fully understands me and I haven't been able to look passed that." I let his words sink in before looking at the gun then over at him, "I have feelings for you, too. I have since I first laid eyes on you all those years ago. I've always been drawn to you. You see," I sit down in the chair next to him, "When I was in Asgard, I learned about myself but I also learned about why I was doing what I was doing. Vör basically unlocked my mind and dug out everything and helped me piece it together. She saw you, questioned why you were important to me and I didn't have an answer so she dug deeper and found out that I was drawn to you because we were suppose to be together, it was destined. 'Written in the stars' as she put it. Sometimes you just can't fight it, I guess." I felt just as silly saying those words aloud as I did when I first heard them. "You know, I thought it was all bullshit at first until she showed me my destiny timeline. It all made sense after that." He looks over at me before putting his hand on mine, "I believe you. I've seen a lot of weird shit so this isn't a far fetched to me as you probably think." He sighs as he looks up at me, "So, what is your name? Everyone calls you Agent X but that can't be right, is it? I mean, I'm not Winter Soldier." He chuckles. I smile, "My name is Freya. You're the only person besides Thor and all of Asgard that knows so keep it quiet." He puts his finger to his lips and makes a 'shh' sound. It made me giggle, "What do you want me to call you? I've been referring to you as Barnes." He smirks, "Bucky." I nod and repeat it, "Bucky. Alright." 

Agent X: Out From The Shadows//BuckyBarnesFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now