Dee's POV:

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      Y/N told me to meet him outside school after our classes, so we could walk to his house to work on the history project. 

Once I heard the final bell ring, I quickly got all my stuff, not wanting to make Y/N wait for me. 

I walked at a fast pace out to the front of the building, already seeing Y/N looking at their phone. 

He looked up at me and smiled, making my chest tense a little, but not in a bad way.

      "Ok lets go!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him.

      Once we reached his house, he unlocked the door and yelled, probably to inform his mother he was home, and he brought me with him. 

He waited for a second before not hearing any noise and declaring that his mom was probably not going to be home for the night.

      "Is your mom a nurse or something?" I ask him.

      "Almost! She's a doctor" He replied, walking up a set of stairs.

      I followed behind him, and he led me into a room that seemed to belong to him, as it was covered in posters for bands and filled with instruments. He hit the power button on his PC and sat down in a desk chair.

      "You can sit anywhere," He said, giggling at my hesitation to touch anything without asking.

      "Oh, um, thanks" I say sitting on his bed.

      We began working, only talking a few times about music and stuff like that, and we finished our project in less than four hours. 

After we submitted it online, we both sat on Y/N's bed.

      "So, have you ever heard of the band Radioactive?" He asked, breaking the silence.

      "I haven't listened to their music but my brother talks about them all the time, and he is making me go to their concert tomorrow with him" I say back.

      "Oh, that's cool!" He said, walking over to his desk and opening one of the drawers.

      He pulled out two lanyards with the band's logo on it and two cards hanging off. 

Likewise, he walked back over and put both in my lap.

      "Here, two VIP tickets for you and your brother" He looked at me, smiling.

      "I can't take these" I say, knowing how expensive any kind of VIP ticket is.

      "For someone so smart you really are stupid at times" He said laughing

      "Oh" I finally realized why he had given the tickets to me, him being in the band.

      "Your face! You look so defeated!" He laughed, obviously pointing out how stupid I felt for not realizing earlier.

      "You little-" I leapt onto him, pinning him to the ground.

      He made eye contact and smirked at me.

"Eww! No! Fuck off!" I yelled, scrambling to my feet

Y/N started laughing and rolling on the floor as I covered my now bright pink face.

"I-I should probably get going" I say, still trying to cover my face.

Y/N nodded and got up from the floor, brushing off his pants and leading me back down the stairs.

"See you tomorrow, Dee" He whispered into my ear as I walked out the front door of his house.

"I'm not gay" I repeated to myself over and over as I walked back to my house, the feeling of Y/N whispering in my ear replaying in my head as I walked up to the door of my house, fumbling with my keys.

"Hello there, Dee, what's that in your hand?" Dad said, poking his head out of the kitchen and commenting on the VIP tickets in my hand.

"Oh nothing" I say quickly, trying to get up to my room as fast as possible, making my way through Heavy's room as fast as I could, even though he wasn't currently there.

I set my bag down on the floor and flopped onto my bed, letting the tickets fall out of my hand, landing on the floor. I heard a click and the door shot open, revealing Heavy.

"I'll get the music tomorrow" I say.

"Not again!" Heavy yelled before noticing the tickets that I had dropped on the floor.

Heavy walked over and picked them up, his eyes widening

"Woah! Where did you get these!" Heavy yelled in excitement.

"A friend gave them to me." I responded, too tired to explain why said friend had two VIP tickets to give away.

"Cool!" He yelled before taking one and running back to his room.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Feelings (Dee Shvagenbagen x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now