-Chapter Twelve-

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A/N: Hello there! Apologies for the long wait on updates. Life's been a little crazy haha. Enjoy :)

"So, er...how do you wanna do this?" Harry asked me tentatively as he set his bag down on the floor of our room, "Are you, erm...alright with sharing a bed with me?"

"I don't know," I put my hand on my hip as I looked at him, "are you alright with it?"

"Hey, we've already done it before," he began to smile at me, "so I'm perfectly fine. I'm just concerned about you. 'Cause we haven't exactly shared a bed together without having sex first, have we?"

"I know," I nodded and started to smile back at him, "but it's fine. I'll do it. I don't care."

"I'm happy to set up a space on the floor," he offered, "or we can, like, build a pillow fence between us if it'll help you feel more comfortable."

"Don't be ridiculous," I rolled my eyes, "I already said it's fine. We'll share the bed."

Harry's smile grew. "Alright. Just making sure. I do snore, by the way."

"So do I," I chuckled softly before reminding myself to be serious again, "are you sure this won't be weird for you, though?"

"Well, it'll be a little weird," he admitted before he started to smirk at me, "but it's not exactly the most terrible thing in the world."

"Oh, really?" I cocked my head to the side at him with a coy smile.

"I definitely do sleep better when someone's in the bed with me," he said with a chuckle, "I like the company."

"Me too," my smile grew, "alright, then. I guess that's sorted."

"I guess it is," Harry chuckled again.

"You're actually quite the gentleman, aren't you?" I asked him cheekily as I set down on the bed, "Underneath all that scumbaggy-ness."

"What makes you say that?" He rose his eyebrow at me.

"Well, if you were an actual piece of shit, you wouldn't have offered to sleep on the floor," I smiled at him, "you know I'm right."

"I was just trying to be nice," Harry replied with a shrug as he crouched down on the floor to unzip his bag.

"Again, dickheads generally don't try to be nice."

"Fuck off, Alina."

I giggled and didn't say another word – but I continued to smile at myself as I started to unpack my own things.

I'm honestly starting to think that Harry being such a piece of trash all the time was mostly a façade – some sort of wall he's put up in the form of a different persona – but not who he actually is. As I got to know him more, he started to become less and less of a shithead to me. Still obsessed with sex, yes – but he wasn't the fuckboy that I thought he was. I realize that now.

I feel like as Harry gets more comfortable with me, he gradually exposes more of his true self to me. He was annoying, but he wasn't a dick. He was actually...a good guy.

I like him. I enjoy his company, and he definitely isn't the worst candidate for a fake boyfriend like I initially thought. At this point in our love contract...I think we're actually friends now. With benefits, of course.

But at the same time, I was curious, and...quite baffled. Because why would he willingly let people believe that he became a hot-tempered, sex-crazed piece of shit when that's not actually who he is? Why did he willingly let his fans get upset and disappointed with him? Why did he just sit back and watch when his career got so dangerously close to going completely kaput?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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