-Chapter One-

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A/N: So sorry for the delay everyone!! Things have been crazy lately. Here is the first chapter of my brand-new book!! As per tradition, the first chapter is always a bit shorter than usual loool

The sound of my alarm clock's obnoxious beeping shook me out of my deep slumber. My head was pounding, and my eyes felt heavy as I forced them open while letting out a soft groan. Muttering irritably to myself, I lazily stretched out my arm and slammed my hand down on the alarm; forcing the insufferable noise to stop.

"Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath, "shit..."

My eyes were already trying to close again on their own, I sluggishly sat up – sucking in a breath and wincing in pain as the thumping sensation in my head immediately intensified – causing me to swear again as I clapped my hand over my forehead in frustration.

Damn it...my fucking head...

I felt a body stirring beside me; astonishing me since I had no recollection at all of having someone in my bed last night. As I glanced over to the left, I noticed a dark-haired man with overnight stubble turning towards me – his eyes opening very slightly before closing again. He mumbled something indistinctive as he quickly drifted back to sleep.

After seeing his face, it finally started coming back. He was the guy I'd met on my night out last night. He bought me a drink, we talked for a bit, we danced...then I guess we went back to my place.

I can't even remember most of what we did...

After taking a few moments to compose myself, I slowly swung my legs over the side of bed and looked around my room to find something I could wear. I found my underwear on the floor by my bedside table, and my tank top from last night not too far from it. I picked up both pieces of clothing and decided that would do for now.

I threw the tank top over my head and put my underwear on before I made my way over to my dressing table and had a quick look in the mirror. Messed up greasy hair, smudged makeup, one of my earrings missing...I definitely looked as shitty as I felt.

God. I need a shower.

Seeing that my box of cigarettes and my lighter were on my dressing table next to my wallet and keys, I picked both of them up and made my way towards the balcony door.

I really need some air.

I opened up the balcony door and sighed softly in satisfaction as I felt the morning breeze instantly cooling down my hot face. I went out to the balcony and sat down on the railing; taking a cigarette from the near-empty box and lighting it before chucking the box and the lighter on a nearby garden table.

I held the cigarette to my lips and began to smoke; my brows furrowing slightly as the initial irritation scratched at my throat. However, once the itchiness dispersed, I exhaled in relief as I blew out the smoke – closing my eyes in relief as the intense throbbing in my head began to wane.

Fuck. I need to try and remember exactly what I did last night.

How much did I drink..?

"Morning," a deep voice suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

As I looked back towards the door, I realized the man who had been sleeping beside me was now fully awake and smiling at me.

"Hey," I smiled back at him as I blew out another cloud of smoke, "sleep well?"

"Like a baby," he replied as he came over to me, "that's a really comfy bed you got back there."

"Thanks. I like to invest in good quality shit."

"So..." he began as he sat on the railing beside me, "last night...was...what did you think?"

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