Chapter 15

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Thranduil was walking toward his office he began to notice how quiet it was. Dread started to fill his stomach. He changed course and headed to the family wing. He began to think about what the book said, don't mention weight, don't try to stop the weepy or sappy moments, don't open your mouth, he added his own mantra. He glanced into what they called the movie room, it was empty. He opened the nursery door and froze. There in the middle of the room was Elrond in a multicolor spotted Fennec Fox outfit.

"Bark bark, snarl, whine." Elrond looked depressed.

"What happened to get you done up in spots? You know the Fennec Fox doesn't come with spots?" Thranduil asked trying not to laugh.

"Funny. I didn't keep my mouth shut is what happened. I can't believe it. I even kept saying "don't open your mouth" but I did it anyway. We were discussing colors for the nursery."

"Hence the spots."

"Yes, anyway, Sakura wanted to keep it neutral, but put a bunch of paint cans in the room. Kissed me goodbye and headed to a meeting she had with the Minister of magic. Then she decided to return  and said she wanted the walls purple."

"She said purple?"

"No, she gave it some colorful name, called it Lilac, it was purple." Elrond stated. "Anyway Sakura wants this Lilac. If we didn't like it we could change it. I opened my mouth and said, "I don't like it, why waste our time." Sakura got all weepy. I tried to calm her down and hold her, but my legs fell asleep as she was on my lap and she took it that I was complaining about her weight. I tried to say it wasn't about her weight, but it just didn't come out right. Apple brought Severus as Sakura was getting more and more upset. Severus pulled her onto his lap and got her calmed down, made her realize I wasn't saying anything about her weight."

"So that got you the outfit?"

"No, what got me the outfit was we went through this whole paint routine three times. Since I didn't like the purple, Sakura changed it to mint green. MINT can you believe that. After that color was a dusty rose, it was pink. After that was canary yellow, I wasn't painting anything yellow. When I said that, Sakura went straight to tears. Apple got Severus again, and escorted Sakura out and left me like this."

"I think we are going to need help on this one, Elrond, you do realize a babies room, those colors are acceptable. It's in that book Decorating for Baby."

Elrond groaned. "Figures. So how do I fix it."

"We paint the walls Lilac, and are the tags still on the paint?"

"I think so."

"We paint what the tags say."

"How much is this going to cost me?"

"Probably alot, you have three children,  how did you not know this?."

"I was never allowed an input"

They began to paint.


"Sakura, come with Thranduil and me, we have a surprise for you." Elrond purred at her.

"You do?"

"Yes, and we hope you like it." Thranduil said as they lead her to the nursery. They opened the door and Sakura and Severus peered in.

Sakura started crying. "I love it. Look, Daddy, it's an English garden like I wanted. Daddy, look there are some butterflies." She moved further into the room and cried harder. "You even put stars on the ceiling!."


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Severus smiled at Thranduil and Elrond, Elrond felt the outfit leave and sighed in relief

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Severus smiled at Thranduil and Elrond, Elrond felt the outfit leave and sighed in relief.

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