chapter 13

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A year later. (Yes I know this is 60 years later just roll with it)

A floo system had been made up in Imladris and Mirkwood, so traveling between the three was much easier.

Sakura was currently with her father as she had been feeling unwell, Thranduil was in Mirkwood because Legolas had been sent to Imladris with Elrond.

"Well congratulations Sweetheart!" Severus finally spoke.

"So I was right?"

"Indeed you are about 2 months along with twins"

"I have to tell them, I'll go tell Elrond first as the children are there, 2 birds an all."

"I'm happy for you sweetheart, you already are a brilliant mother."


"I see how those kids look at you, now go tell them."

Flooing to Imladris Sakura came across Arwen first.


"Hello dear, where are your brothers?"

"Kitchens I believe."

Grabbing Arwen's hand, Sakura quickly found the twins trying to sneak food.

"Come on you two I need to talk to you."

After finding somewhere private Sakura tossed up a silencing ward

"What's wrong Naneth?"

"I haven't told your Ada yet, but .... you're going to be big brothers and sister!"

Arwen's face lit up, the twins were happy too.

"Really Naneth? This is wonderful Ada will be thrilled. Have you told Thranduil or Legolas yet?"

"I only found out half an hour ago, gimme a chance. We need to shop for the nursery. Oh and another thing. ... It's twins."

The twins shouted in joy as all three hugged their mother.

Sakura watched the council as it talked about the One Ring. When they mentioned Mt. Doom, she stepped out of the shadows.

"Hello son," Sakura beamed at Legolas

"Hey, can I see what Mount Doom looks like in your head, Darling?"

Elrond narrowed his eyes but nodded. Sakura delved to the surface of his mind and saw the memory of Isildur and Mount Doom.

"Oh, that's good." She went out of his mind kissed him, and went over to the Ring. "Back in less than ten seconds." She picked up the Ring and apparated into the volcano and dropped the Ring into its depths. When she saw it reach the lava, she apparated back to an irate council.

Shouts of 'where is the ring' and the like were screamed but Sakura just stared at Elrond smirking, who was watching the sky. Then, all of a sudden, they heard an almightly boom and the sky was filled with ash and a perilous scream of fury and pain.

"Your welcome."

Elrond smiled at her relieved there would be no bloodshed.

"Now I need to borrow Legolas and Estel, we're going shopping I have to outfit three nursery's"

Elrond took a moment thinking over what she'd just said, his eyes widened before rolling back as he fainted.

Casting a cushioning charm so he wasn't hurt. Sakura promptly burst into laughter.

Legolas approaches Sakura in awe.

"I'm going to be a big brother Naneth?"

Reaching up and cupping his face she nodded smiling.

Legolas beamed and picked her up spinning her round.

"We need to make a stop off though your Ada doesn't know yet!" Sakura had a mischievous look in her eyes.

Casting a levitation spell to pick up Elrond and take him to his bed.

Then she skipped over to Legolas and Estel dragging them away, leaving an awe-filled group of people behind in the Council of Imladris.

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