chapter 8

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Severus was rushing to the forest to harvest ingredients from Sakura's 3 forms. They had to do this every six months or she would be in agony. It always took it out of her though.

It took three hours to get everything done. Severus was carrying an unconscious Sakura back to the house never realising he was being watched.

"Does Sakura need medical attention?" Elrond panicked

"No she needs sleep afterwards."
Lucius had explained what was happening.

"I think we all do its late we should retire to our Chambers" Thranduil said.



It was very early when Sakura awoke to hedwigs annoyed clacking and hooting (yes she survived.) Getting up she noticed another owl with a summons from the ministry.
Sighing she put on her robes and brushed her hair. But she couldn't hear Draco getting up. Knocking on his door there was no reply so she opened it and saw he was still asleep hair all messed up and got a wicked idea. Casting a petrificus totallus on Draco she levitated him  to the swimming pool.  Reversing the charm she threw him in.

"SAKURA" Draco spluttered.

Sakura was laughing hard.

"Well if you woke up at the summons I wouldn't have had to. Now you have 10 minutes to be ready"

Strolling back to her room she got her papers together as because of her houses she was literally wizarding royalty.

"Draco let's go."

"Apple tell our parents we've been called to the ministry please."

"Apple bes doing mistress"

And they were off.



Draco's yell had woken the entire house

Then they heard laughing.

The two wizards and two Elves decided to prepare for the day and go have breakfast.

Wishing each other good morning
Severus called fo breakfast from Apple.

"Apple what happened this morning?" Lucius asked

"Master Draco and Mistress Sakura was called to big idiot house. "Master Draco not bes getting ups so Mistress Sakura threw him in the pool. Masters"

Severus looked exasperated and Lucius was laughing.

Chatting amicably about potions useful in medicine.

"Would you like me to show you how to brew? It couldbe helpfulas you are a healer" Severus asked Elrond.

Elrond agreed wholeheartedly. Excited to learn something new. 

Thranduil and Lucius continued Chatting.

"I'm going to be honest I feel quite apprehensive about whether Sakura will be alright with myself and Elrond." Thranduil admitted

"She has told us she has been searching for you two since she was 10 years old. If she wasn't kidnapped we would have been assisting her."

"What do you mean kidnapped? "

"A meddling old goat stole her from us a year after her birth and blocked us from remembering her. She found out  after running away from the abusive home she was forced to. She found us and saved us more than I can tell you. She spent years of her life being told she was worthless, hated, unloved and stupid and told her parents died to get away from her."

"Of course she isn't any of those things" Thranduil spoke angrily

"Earlier was the second time since we got her back that she was playful. She had so much placed on her shoulders as a child she was expected to fight and kill a man significantly older than her. She was never allowed to just be a child. I feel guilty that I couldn't get her back sooner as I couldn't remember her. I wasn't strong enough." Lucius explained with tears pouring down his cheeks

"It wasn't you fault you are plenty strong enough and you've given me and Elrond a gift we'll never be able to repay."

Lucius looked confused

Thranduil smiled

Lucius understood
"Well you could repay us by giving us lot's of grandchildren." He joked

Thranduil blushed

An almighty noise came from the floo room.

"DAD" Yelled Draco.

All four bolted from where they were and ran. Hearing sobbing

"Come on sis you can't leave us"
"Where am I going to go little brother I cannot die, be hurt yes, die no. It is not your fault if you start blaming yourself I'll have to slap you."


Getting to the floo room the floor stopped at the scene Sakura lying on the floor turning the white Marble red.

Breaking out of his stupor Severus slid across the floor and to her side . Casting healing charms and forcing potions down her throat.

"I'm OK daddy" Sakura spoke seeing the fear and panic in Severus' eyes.

Reaching up she put a hand on his cheek.

"I'm really OK daddy." Sakura spoke before she passed out.

after getting her stable and cleaned up. Lucius picked her up and took her to her room.

"May we sit with her till she wakes?" Asked Elrond wringing his hands.

"Of course we are going to talk to Draco find out what happened."

Elrond approached Sakura's bed and sat next to her reaching for her hand he held it gently. Thranduil doing the same, they settled in waiting for their little moonbeam to awaken.

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