chapter 4

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"Lord Elrond is her to see you my king" a soldier explained to Thranduil.

"Well let him in."

Elrond strode into the study and closed the door.
Thranduil raised an eyebrow.

"This is Important do you have a new mark on your body?" Elrond rushed out
"Why? And I can't say I've checked every inch of skin Elrond."
"Well could you? I.....have a soulmark."
"Well congratulations I still don't understand what this has to do with me?"
Looking really irritated Elrond looked at Thranduil
"Because I share my soul mate with you!"
"If this is true it should be just above your hip"
"Sit down I will return in a moment. "

Moving out the door and down the corridor Thranduil entered his bed chamber and went straight to the mirror. Moving his tunic and lowering the waistband of his leggings checking first one side then moved onto the other. Thranduil paused there in black and green was a mark telling him Elrond had been telling him the truth. He fixed himself and returned to his study.

"Sakura and you" he breathed out. So long he'd prayed the gods for a soulmate they had finally heard his plea for love.

"Yes mine says Sakura and yourself" replied Elrond

"Well it seems we have some plans to make" Thranduil gave a small smile to one of his soulmates.

Elrond breathed a sigh of relief he wasn't going to be rejected.
"Why has this just come about now we have known each other for many years."

"Maybe our Sakura will know?"
"Perhaps, I hope we find her soon."

Looking at Elrond closely

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