"Go ahead and ask." I laughed and he blushed shyly.

"So if a guy says this to you, what does it mean?" He showed me a text on his phone. Once again the Taehyung guy he's been hung up on for months. Based on previous questions, I've come to the conclusion they have mutual feelings for each other. It's just that neither of them are confessing.

"Kookie. I've already told you the guys likes you. It's almost painfully obvious. Just ask him out already."

"I don't know. Maybe." He shrugged and shut off his phone, planting it face down on the shared desk.

I sighed at his ability to just brush it away. Probably out of fear for their friendship, he's told me that before. He doesn't want to mess up a good thing. I also think it hurts his confidence that he's in competition with his other best friend. Mrs. Park's son. Jimin? Maybe, maybe not. But all in all, I know he doesn't want to lose friendships either way.

I think the other boy probably thinks the same thing, otherwise he would've asked Jungkook by now.

"Enough about my confusing love life, anything you have to share?" He turned and asked.

"I have a boyfriend now, officially."

"Is it Felix? Tell me it's Felix." He turned, all excited.

"Jeongin. But we are still open with Felix. We both still love him and whether he wants to say it or not, he loves us too." I smile softly at my hands. "But I have a problem, Jungkook."

"Oh no, already?"

"It's been a problem since before we were together, my jealousy. How do I control it?" I asked.


"Jeongin's ex boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend, is the new guy Huening Kai." I said. "He just, I don't know. Gets under my skin? Even though he does absolutely nothing. When he talks to Jeongin, I can't help but want to do something to let him now that Jeongin isn't available."

"That's a natural instinct, Hyunjin. I'd just say as long as you don't let it start to control you, then you should be fine."

That's what I was scared of. Not being able to stop it from controlling me.

"Okay, thanks."

We fell silent as the teacher began the class. His phone buzzed multiple times throughout the lesson but he fought the urge to pick it up.
He caught me watching and I just shook my head with a smile, we both knew who was texting him. Taehyung was probably sending him memes or cute pictures of bunnies.

I used to wonder why he would send Jungkook bunny pictures. But then Kook explain that's it's because Taehyung thinks he looks like a bunny, so he finds pictures of the fluffy ones.

I snagged his phone and opened the chat, courtesy of Kookie sharing his password with me.

There were like ten different pictures Of fluffy bunnies being held in one hand.

"Aw, look. This one looks just like you." I showed him a picture of a chocolate brown bunny with a white nose. One of its front paws was white, same for the tip of one ear. A text came through and Kook tried to snag his phone from me but I was faster.

Which one of the ten should I buy?

"Dude, he's at a pet store. These are the bunnies he's looking at." My eyes were wide and I handed the phone back to him.

"Nuh-uh." He hummed in disbelief.

After a free text back and forth, Kook scooted closer to me with a smile. "Help me pick one."

It wasn't in question form, but I always knew I didn't have to. But when it came to Jungkook, I liked helping him out. It was the last I owed him.

"I like the one I said looked like you."

"The chocolate-brown one?" He asked and I nodded. "I like that one too, but look at this one." It was a white bunny, it's ears, paws and little tail faded into gray.

"Okay, that one. It's fluffier."

Jungkook slightly laughed at my answer, then proceeded to send a text message.

"Is he really buying a bunny?"

"Yea. Apparently he already has a name for it." I noticed a blush roll over his cheeks. I already had a feeling what it was. "Kookie Monster, like my nickname Kookie."

"Okay, if you don't ask him out, I will."

"Hey, back off. You already have a man." He pouted and hugged his phone to his chest with one hand, using his other to point a finger at me.

"Okay, okay. But I'm serious Kookie, don't wait to long." I watched him frown slightly. I stuck my hand out to comfort him. "Just between you and me, I don't think there is any competition between you and Jimin. You're ten times more amazing."

"You've never met Jimin. He has this... effect.. on people. One I can't beat."

"Hmm, doubt it. I can resist some charms."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Hey, I resisted Mr. Head Boy's charms. Give me some credit."

"That's true. Chan didn't even have a chance." Jungkook chuckled softly.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class and we both stood up. We walked the hallway together, his next class was on the way to mine.

We stopped at his door and he showed me a picture Taehyung had just sent. He was holding the little rabbit up to his face with a bright smile. He had a unique smile, all boxy but not any less pretty.

"He really did it. He really just bought a rabbit and named it after you."

"Yea, he did." Does he ever stop blushing?

"I'm gonna head to class." I patted his shoulder. "But Kook? Get the boy." I smiled as I walked away and he watched me leave.

He was my best friend at this school. To think he couldn't stand to talk to me at first. He deserved a win.

I smiled to myself as I sat down in my desk of my next class, knowing damn well...

He would take the win.



I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE, it's been really crazy the past couple weeks. Shorter chapter, yes. I've had half of this written for a whole week now.

I thought I would include a friendship bond in this chapter over more. We don't see enough of Hyunjin and Jungkook and that's a my bad.

Hopefully now that everything has calmed down a bit, I will be able to post more updates. All just depends on my upcoming schedule.

Love you guys! Hope you are doing great and taking care of yourselves!

Til next update honeybees!

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