Chapter 1: Alchemilla Hospital

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Travis woke in a panic on a hard bench, heart racing

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Travis woke in a panic on a hard bench, heart racing. As he sat up he took a second to rub the pain out of his eyes, and tried to get his bearings. He didn't recognize this street. A boarded up hot dog shop was about the only thing marked, everything else just looked... dead. Fog still limited his vision, but at least here he knew it was fog, the stench of smoke far gone now. But it was also day time, which meant it had been a while since... Whatever it was, that happened last night...

Travis shook his head, just trying to focus on the here and now. "Where am I?" he muttered to himself. He picked a direction and started walking, quickly coming across a faded poster bolted into the long brick fence that ran the length of the street. It was a poster of a map that read: Information and Welcome to Silent hill.

"... Silent Hill?" Travis remembered passing that sign on the way in, but the town itself should still have been a ways away. "What happened last night?... That girl..." He remembered the burned child he carried out of the building. Now that he wasn't running on adrenaline, he realized the clothes that child had worn were the same as the girl's who he'd followed. There was a good chance they were the same kid. "Did she make it?"

He searched the map. "They would have taken her to the hospital... Koontz St." Luckily that was just around the corner, seeing as this map told him he was on Crichton. He figured at the very least while he was here, he needed to see if she was okay.

As he made his way there, he expected to see people outside starting their day, but the street was empty. More boarded up buildings, sealed off fire escapes, and garbage littering the side of the road. He'd passed through Silent Hill a few times working for Ambrose Trucking & Hauling, and though he wasn't fond of the place, it was never this bad. It got worse though when he made it to the entrance of Alchemilla Hospital.

The road... ended. It was like an earthquake or something ripped the street in half. Koontz just ended in a steep drop-off into a dark pit. It was probably the sewers down there, judging by the smell, but whatever happened here it wasn't pleasant. Travis wondered if something had happened since the last time he was here. It would certainly a explain a few things.

He couldn't worry about that right now though. If the city was in this bad of shape, he was more scared for that kid than before. Were they even equipped to help her in a place like this? He entered the hospital parking lot, and noticed a smashed window, which was not what he wanted to see. There was also a lone ambulance crooked and not at all in an actual parking space.

Is this the ambulance that brought her in? It sure was far from the entry into the building. Maybe they moved it aside afterwards. Move on Travis, he told himself as he entered the hospital.

It was dark inside. The doors were unlocked but it didn't seem like anyone was here. There wasn't even anyone behind the front counter. Good, Travis huffed sarcastically as he pulled the hospital map off the wall. They won't miss this then. If there wasn't anyone around to help him, he'd just have to find his own way around.

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