Chapter 54: Stiles

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It didn't surprise me when I got a call from Lydia that Atlantia and her were on their way to pick me up. It did surprise me when they told me that they were picking me up because they needed to talk to Deputy Parrish because he may be a supernatural creature since his name was on the deadpool.

    "My dad is going to flip when he hears that his deputy may also be a supernatural being." I say as I climb into Atlantia's car. I noticed as I climbed in that she was losing weight and not in a good way. There were like two bottles sitting in the cupholder that Atlantia was sipping from. One was a golden color and the other looked like it was a chocolate shake. "Are you pushing your body to the max? Is that why you are losing so much weight?"

    Atlanta just shrugs, "I am handling it." She gestures to the golden bottle, "Nectar for energy and a shake made especially for my metabolism to try to prevent weight loss."

    "Maybe you could prevent weight loss if you just stop keeping shields 24/7 over all of us." Lydia says looking at Atlantia pointendly. She just ignores her as she pulls into the sheriff's parking lot. Atlantia grabs both her drinks and walks into the building with Lydia right behind her and me scrambling after them. Parrish was shuffling through some paperwork when we entered the building but he lifts his head when he spots me.

    "Your dad should be back within the house. You want to wait in his office?" Parrish asks gesturing to his office. Even though he was talking to me, I could see him looking at Atlantia with a weird look on his face but I felt like it might have been because she was dating Derek and he had arrested him so I brushed it off.

"Actually, we wanted to talk to you." I say looking at him.

"Privately." Lydia says. Parrish looked surprised at us before he gestures for us to follow him into the sheriff's office. He shuts the door before looking at us expectantly. Atlantia holds out a piece of paper with the hit list printed on it.

"This is a hit list." Parrish says looking at us confused.

"We call it a Deadpool." Atlantia explains, "Recognize any of the names."

"Yeah, the Sherriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night but we couldn't find any of them." Parrish says.I guess he hadn't reached the end of the list.

"Show him the other thing." I say so Lydia leans forward and points to the bottom of the list.

"Okay," Parrish says a little worried when he saw his name on the list, "That's kind of terrifying." He then notices the number next to his name, "What's the number?"

"That's how much you're worth." Lydia explains.

"I'm worth two dollars?" Parrish says offended at that.

"Two million," Atlantia corrects.

"I only make forty thousand a year," Parrish says grimly before adding, "Maybe I should kill myself." That made me almost laugh but I held it in so I didn't seem like a jerk, "I don't get it. Why...Why am I on this?"

"Honestly, that might be a question for another day." I say since it was more important to find out who else is on this list then figure out why people were on the list, "Right now, there's still another third of the list we gotta crack."

"We need the third cipher key," Lydia begins, "But we need help getting it."

"From who?" Parrish questions.

"Meredith." Lydia says, nervously.

"The girl from Eichen? The last time you saw her, you almost gave her a nervous breakdown." Parrish exclaims.

"Uh, almost." Lydia scoffs like she shouldn't be blamed by that.

Parrish shakes his head before he says, "Are you sure you need her?"

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