49. Trouble in Paradise

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Eddie stood outside of Mrs. Kim's office, looking down at an opened book in the palm of his hand Y/n had lent him to act unsuspiciously. – First error: Eddie does not read, not in front of others – Y/n being the only exception. This is highly suspicious.

Y/n looked around the office, no diary had been found. Their hopes were low, the possibility of it being there was unlikely, but it wasn't zero either. She walked around cautiously, looking around for cameras. None. It is a government school after all plus, most people in Hawkins, including both Eddie and Y/n, do not even have one of those new portable cell phones let alone security cameras.

"Where the fuck is it?" I groaned as I looked through the drawers. The teacher's handbag lay on a chair. Looking through an office is one thing... but someone's bag- oh fuck it. I walked over to the chair looking frantically through it. It's true when they say that a woman carries all her possessions in a handbag. "Jeez. Fuck. Christ," between my fingers I held a condom – luckily sealed but imagining my teacher getting fucked is beyond revolting. The contents kept rolling out: a brush, 'lady stuff' as everyone in society has labelled it since they're too afraid of saying the proper terms, a wallet, cigarettes, prayer sheets? Ironic much? And right at the bottom was the little diary - the size of Eddie's palm. "Fucking ye-"

The door opened abruptly, and Eddie came running in and locking the door after him. "She's coming!" He said in a panicked voice, "jeez open up, we'll just run outside," – "She's too close for that!"

"How did you not noti- Eddie!"

"You gave me an interesting book you dumbass!"

"I'm the dumbass? You started reading when you were supposed to be on the lookout! And how did she not see you run inside?"

"She was looking down, I dunno but she didn't see me."

"Well, she's gonna fucking see us now!" I looked over to the door, the keys were jangling as she inserted it into the keyhole- mumbling to herself as to 'how in the world' it locked.

Eddie hastily pulled me in by my waist, his lips automatically connecting with mine, "Eddie-"I tried to speak as I pushed myself off of him, but he pulled me back in, quickly snatching the diary from my hand and putting it inside his jacket's pocket. "What in the name of God are you two doing?" the teacher yelled. We pulled away, almost hesitantly – missing each other's lips. Eddie chuckled, his hands holding onto the book he had been reading behind his back while I looked up at the teacher, a pink blush spreading over my cheeks. "Uh, we needed a...private space," Eddie shrugged as the teacher stared at us completely speechless, yet her face was turning red. If you looked closely enough, you could see smoke emerging from her ears. "This is unacceptable! Both of you, detention for public indecency!"

Eddie and I exchanged a look, the both of us trying not to laugh at how stupid the situation was. We've tried escaping detention twice – separately, and somehow, we manged to get detention together.

"Out, NOW!" She stood beside the door, her finger pointing towards the hallway, "but we weren't finished," Eddie pouted his lips, his arm snaking around my waist as he pulled me by his side making me chuckle. "OUT!"

"Cockblock," Eddie mumbled as we walked out into the hallway. The teacher rolled her eyes trying to contain her anger to show it off all to Higgins. Locking the door behind her she walked in front of us, nodding her head - silently telling us to follow her. Eddie looked at me with a smile, adjusting his closed jacket so the pink blouse doesn't show just in case Mrs. Kim recognises it from earlier and reaching into its pocket to show me that the diary was safe and sound.


Eddie sat on my table, my head resting on his thighs as he played with my hair while we waited with the rest of the students for a teacher to supervise us during these six ungodly hours. SIX. Protesting against Mr. Higgins worked against our favour, and we received an extra hour in return. Mr. Williams walked in. Jesus Christ. Can it get any worse than this? 

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