"You have no idea what you're saying, Athena. You don't know your father. You don't know what he's done. You're defending a man out of blind love. It's pathetic." His hard tone faltered as he spoke back. I gave him a humourless smile.

"You're a sick bastard." I whispered. "You will never be half the man my father is." His eyes narrowed, but he didn't have anything to say back. A commotion sounded from inside the hospital wing and the two men shared a look. Without another word, they disappeared into the doors once again. I leaned against the wall behind me. I let myself slide to the floor. I buried my head in my knees as my body racked with sobs. If Snape had any decency in his soul, he would rethink what he was doing.

"Athena." A voice appeared beside me. I felt arms pull me over into the body they were connected to. "You don't have to battle this on your own." Fred spoke, stroking my hair. I let him hold me, not knowing what else to do.

"I have to." I said, crying into his chest. "This is my fight."

"It's not. It's ours, and it always has been. I love you." He said, like so many times before. "Things will work out."

"What if nothing is supposed to work out for me, Fred?" I paused, shimmying out of his grip. I faced him now, staring into his eyes. "Maybe it was supposed to be like this. I was never meant to have a mother or a father. Maybe this is punishment for what I've done in a past life. It was made to happen this way for a reason." I fought. My emotions were controlling me. Words were falling out like crazy.

"Why would bad things happen to such an amazing girl? You deserve a family just like the rest of us. You deserve a chance at happiness." He cupped my cheek in his hand.

"I don't know, Fred. It just doesn't make sense." We sat there for a while. A silence fell between us like a curtain. For once in our years of friendship, I had nothing to say. Our tension broke as George joined us, sitting on my other side. They each took one of my hands, making me believe I wasn't alone. George didn't speak. He didn't have to. His presence was enough. Dumbledore strode past the three of us and into the hospital wing. We followed him with our eyes, unsure of the severity of the situation. He walked with intent, clearly having thoughts weighing in his mind.

The twins continued to hold my hands as we waited. Madame Pomfrey exited her room, followed by the minister and Snape. As they passed, the professor sent a look of disgust my way. I knew whatever I said had hurt him. It was evident in his expression. Soon after, Dumbledore walked out. He informed them they could go back in. When they were out of earshot, he focused on me. His wisdom was bestowed in his features. He held a look of pity in his eyes as he watched.

"He's in Professor Flitwick's office. Do not get yourself caught." He smiled warmly at me. "You know what to do." I gazed with admiration at the headmaster. His words gave me hope. As I stood, the twins mimicked my actions. The old wizard gave us another look over before he spoke again. "I believe you." He said softly, and I closed my eyes. The words gave me peace of mind.

"Thank you, professor." He waved me off.

"I know you needed someone to say it." He said. I smiled, and he nodded his head. I returned it, and we began sprinting down the hallways. The stairs seemed to go on forever as we tackled them. Eventually, the charms classroom came into view. George stopped, looking at Fred and I. He was going to stay behind and let me have my moment. I silently thanked him, and took my boyfriends hand.
When the door creaked open, I heard a heartbreaking sound.

"I'm innocent!" My father begged from inside.

"I know." I responded, firmly. He looked up at me and gave a relieved breath.


"Dad." I walked over and collapsed onto my knees beside him. "What have you gotten yourself into?" I asked, pulling him into a hug. His arms folded around me in a protective embrace. I let him hold me, and he finally gave me an answer.

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