Mission: lll Blitz Twins

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Shanghai China
6 miles away from the Bank Of China Headquarters
2 days later 0:00 am

Jaiden and Jasmine stood in a damp dark alleyway with the same robot bird, the dim City Street was seen on each end of the alleyway and raindrops hailed down on the visors of the Vanguards. Karl interrupted them and presented the mission objectives.

"Your objective is to infiltrate the building about 6 miles away on Huang Street, and gather information about the prototype then Kate will upload a virus that will damage all the weapon systems of the prototype, hauling down the fighter's progress on the weapon"

"But beware the building is guarded heavily with anti-sheath detection cameras, and highly advanced security systems and a wrong move could easily land you on China's hit list, since the guys back in China, don't like a UN Super Soldier in their country, so turn on the sheath, from what I know this Bank is secretly giving money for the fighters to complete the prototype, if you run into problems ask Kate, Good Luck!" Karl then cut off.

"Alright let's go!" Jasmine hustled as she turn on her invisibility unit, she then stopped and looked back at Jaiden who was looking down at the floor as she rocked her legs back and forth.

Jasmine walked up to Jaiden and put her hands on her shoulders "Jaiden! Come on we have to stop the fighters before they got their doomsday device...."

"I am not in a good mood!" Jaiden shouted.

"Bottle it up and let's just Damn go!" Jasmine then grabbed onto Jaiden's hands. Jasmine pulled Jaiden's hands trying to get her going, but Jaiden refused and held back.

Jasmine then signed, walked up to Jaiden grabbed her head, and tilted it up, "Look, right now you're being a...."

"Cut it, Jasmine, not curse at her" Kate replied through the robot bird. "Is something wrong?" Kate asked.

Jaiden signed. "I am still contemplating my actions on Karl, I should've done that" Jaiden replied

"Well Karl says he forgives you, his injuries are that his arm is dislocated, he currently has an arm brace, and the doctors said he should be completely healed 6 weeks" Kate replied

Karl then cut in "Ok guys, for my health update I am fine, the bigger problem here is the Fighters, so please move on"

Jaiden then turned on her invisibility unit and ran up the walls of the alleyway and onto the rooftop. Jaiden saw an unlit city without any lights, many tall buildings that resemble many office buildings, and shopping malls now all shut off any lights, and color. The Team climbed up and down many uneven buildings while the rainfall was ambient in the background. Jaiden is focused on not damaging many of the glass structures that made up the buildings and on the coordinates. They quickly approached the bank which was a massive office building from what Jaiden's night vision could tell. Jaiden looked down at street lamps as they lit the few streets around the building, they saw what seems to be a biped security patrol robot patrolling the streets.

"Looks like there is a lot of them, coming from my Night Vison" Jasmine replied.

"Could we make it in, Kate?" Jasmine asked.

"I have located a safe entrance into the building, it's now on your coordinates" Kate replied.

"Got it, see it now" Jasmine answered back. They made their move and jumped off the building they are on. They navigated their way through the darkness and located the coordinate which located them to a Sewer Vent. "Are you sure we are going down this way?" Jaiden directed.

"Well, they have fewer security patrol bots around the sewers, but it will be tougher to navigate, and that is why I have this 3D map view on both of your display visors, and you will be my test subject, aha" Kate replied in sarcasm.

(Jaidem) Solider In Purple Freedom Fighters Where stories live. Discover now