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* - title translates into "I AM HERE!"

Bros, I get that you sometimes face problems that you may not want to talk about. I'm CERTAINLY no excetption. But remember; if there's ever a time when you need someone to vent to, a shoulder to cry on, whatever, I'm here. Hence the title; Ich bin hier. I'm here to help you out in the best way I can.

I may not be able to help you out in the greatest ways, but I'll sure as hell stay with you until you're out of the problem, whatever it may be. I'll be your big sister in the seemingly lonely world that we sometimes feel we dwell in. And, if you never feel like that, then I ask of you to assist those who are feeling that sense of crushing loneliness, much like I've been doing.

Recently, I've been feeling really alone because my parents split and my mom moved out. It's painful, sure, but I'm still alive and putting up a good fucking fight. I'm not gonna be put down that easily! That's why I'm here to help you bros. I understand your pain and your feelings.

Many times, I think of certain people and compare the situations like this:

They've been there, they've felt the pain, and they have scars. Meanwhile, I'm just getting there, I'm just starting to feel the pain, and I have wounds. My pain is far fresher, and I deserve to be comforted until I can regain the strength I need to heal on my own.

This is the view I take when people get into problem situations; they're in pain, let me help them.

I'm not asking you bros to be that active person who helps, if you don't want to. If you want to watch from afar and check on them every once in a while, that works too. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. I just ask of you that you try your best to help those who are in pain or suffering through life's challenges.

You are under no obligation, of course, but the person would appreciate it greatly if you stood by them through their hell.

Danke schon, bros.


Brianna (Admin of: cloudstar, North_And_South)

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