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Clessa looked down at her feet. She felt like someone had just ripped her heart out and mailed it to Taiwan.
"What have I done?"
When Clessa got to her floor, she thought about how her life would be without Simon.
When she reached her apartment, 88, Clessa plastered on a fake smile. She did not want her parents to know what had happened between her and Simon.
"Hi sweetie," called her mother from the kitchen.
"Hey mom."
Jan was sitting on the couch and watching football.
"Hey punkin."
Clessa went down and sat next to her father. She smiled, trying to forget everything that had happened before, but it did not work.
"How was your day?"
"Good. Had a great time with Simon," lied Clessa.
Clessa was extremely confined, and hated talking to her parents about anything that was wrong.
"That's nice."
Clessa slipped off of her shoes and went into her room.
Clessa picked up her phone and darted into her room. She wanted to be able to talk to Simon.
Quickly knowing what would happen if Clessa had called and Simon had known it was her, he would hang up. She dialed *68 and Simon's number so it would be an unknown number.
"Hi Simon."
The other line was silent.
"Look, can we talk?"
The other line remained silent.
"What I said was wrong, and I never should have even said it. I was just trying to get that conversation over with."
"But why did you have to be"
Now it was Clessa's turn to be silent.
"I was not thinking straight. I just lost my memory and had no idea that I was being so hurtful. Then I remembered, and it killed me. Its so awkward kissing your best friend and then being force to talk about it two minuets later."
Simon was silent.
"The only emotion I was feeling was anger, and self hate. I let that come out when I was talking to you."
"I'm...I'm...sorry Clessa. I did not realize that it was too soon."
"That's why I was running away, so I would have time to think about it."
"I don't know what to say."
Clessa let the phone run silent.
"Whatever if you don't want to talk about it, goodbye."
"Clessa! Wait!"
Clessa hung up the phone and flipped onto her bed.
The phone rang. And rang. And rang. Clessa did not answer.The last thing she wanted to hear right now was his voice, but she wanted to listen.
As Clessa gathered her last ounce of courage, she answered the phone.
"Clessa, can we talk about this?"
"Why does a kiss have to be so complicated? In all the movies a kiss was just a symbolization of love. They never had to talk about it, or even think about it."
"Movies aren't our life! We have so much more than that. We have each other."
"Don't go all philosophical on me Mr. I want to be just best friends, and no more than that."
Simon was silent.
"Are you okay?"
"Do you think I am? My first and only crush only wants to be a friend and kissed me for a minute straight."
"You think you have it bad? I kissed my best fiend and have no idea what to think about it. Simon, I'm not sure you understand people. And I'm not sure you understand friendships."
This was Clessa's first fight with Simon, and she had won.
"Goodbye Simon Clark."
Clessa angrily hung up. She was not in the mood to listen to Simon
complain about how hard his life was when really she had it bad.
You are probably thinking about how selfish both of these two 15 year olds are being. And yes, they both are being extremely selfish. Clessa is only thinking of herself, as is Simon.
Clessa, immediately regretting what she said, called Simon back.
Once it rang.
Twice it rang.
"Hey it's Simon, I'm not here right now, so leave a message at the beep."
Hearing Simon's voice on a recording comforted Clessa, in the weirdest way.
As Clessa heard the beep on the dial tone, she could not think of what to say.
"Hey Simon, its me. The most rude girl in the world. I am afraid that I will say something mean or offensive, so let's keep this short."
Clessa took a deep breath.
"I'm really sorry. About being the most selfish person in the world. You kissed me, I kissed back. I had no right to be mean. Thanks for always being there for me and always understanding of something was wrong. I really took advantage of you for being so rude and thinking you would come crawling back, but I know I don't deserve it.
Well, I guess this is goodbye."
It took Clessa about two minutes to finally realize that she needed to hang up.
Clessa hung up the phone, and started crying.
She opened up her window, and threw out her phone. It was a memory of Simon, wait, Simon was a memory.
Good thing Clessa had an old phone hooked up with the same number, because otherwise she would have been phone less.
And then her phone rang.
Three times.
"Clessa! It's Simon. Look, I made the same mistake you did. We were both selfish. But I would never want to loose you as a friend over something as stupid as that."
"Oh Simon."
Clessa felt herself crying.
"Are you okay?"
She nodded.
"Yes. I just realized how much I could have given up, over something as silly as a kiss."
She heard a voice from behind her.
"I know."
Clessa turned around, and saw Simon. She stood up, and hugged him.
"Thank you."
Simon smiled, and leaned into Clessa.
"I'd rather die than be without you," said Simon.
Clessa looked up at him.
"Since when did you get so poetic and deep?"
"Since I started reading Shakespeare."
Clessa giggled.
"You know something? Shakespeare actually had three-."
A loud crash and scream was heard from the kitchen.
"What the."
Clessa moved away from Simon and raced into the kitchen.
Simon caught up to Clessa.
He looked expectantly at her back, and she turned around with a tear stricken face.
"My parents are gone."

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