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The Professor shouted at Clessa, and Xander who had come hurrying down the hall with his sister.
"Zandy? Where are we going?"
"Shh! Your in danger."
Giselle nodded and followed Xander. Her blonde curls bounced up and down as she ran to the Machine.
Ten seconds later, everyone was in. The Professor closed the door, and locked it. Then, dead bolted it. Then, put a bar over it. Last, he put the chain lock over it.
"Okay," said the Professor, clapping his hands,"I'm going to explain how the Machine lockdown works. What happens is I first, fly us into space."
The Professor flipped a switch, and they were off to space. The Machine whirled around, and then zapped into place.
"Right. Anyways, next, I turn on the camouflage setting. This will blend us into the surroundings."
The Professor walked over to the door, an pressed a big red button.
"The first time a big red button was good. Now, we shut off the Machine, and drift aimlessly around in space."
The Professor pulled down a black and red lever. Then, everything in the Machine went dark.
"There are some flashlights located on the table near the door."
"Why did you have to," said Clessa as she ran into the control panel,"shut it down?"
The Professor darted in front of Clessa, grabbed her a flashlight, and came back to answer.
"People can track movements of the Machine when on and they can teleport in when on. But, if I turn it off and lock the doors and lock the doors, we are 99.9% safe."
Giselle turned on her flashlight.
"Why .1% unsafe," she asked.
"Well, there is one species of alien in the entire universe that makes up .1 percent of the population of living things. They are the only aliens that know how to pick a lock, twice, and break down a barred door. Now, .1% may not seem like a lot, but humans only make up .0001% of the population of living things. So, .1% equates to about...4,000,000,000,000,000 of that population. Really, you cannot even put into perspective how many living things are in the universe."
"How many have you met," asked Xander.
"Well....I know and can define all of them, but I've only met about 57.8% of them."
Clessa nodded.
"Professor, remember the Zyglon," breathed Giselle.
"What a beautiful race," said the Professor in the same dreamy voice.
Clessa was confused.
"What's the Zyglon? How do you two know each other?"
"I used to travel with the Professor," said Giselle.
"How old are you," asked Clessa.
"Twenty two."
Clessa slowly nodded.
Now, as the great narrator I am, I can guess your questions.
What about when Clessa and the Professor kissed? Are they a couple now or something?
Well, to answer your question, they both chose to forget about it. Like, they both realized that they are friends, so the kiss really would get in the way of that.
On with the story!
Oh and wait. They also both realized that the Professor could be as old as dirt so that would be a little awkward at the wedding.
Okay, now continue.
Giselle walked over to Clessa.
"Hey," she said.
"Hey," said Clessa.
"So how has it been like? Traveling with the Professor?"
Clessa chuckled.
"Well, would you like the full run down?"
Giselle smiled and nodded.
"Okay, so, both of my parents died, a crazy lady who wants my blood is after me, a crazy dude who wants my insides if after me, I have a thing growing inside of me that can bring back the dead, and I have eight days to live. Wait, two according to the Professor's calculations."
"Jeez lady," said Giselle.
"How were your times with the Professor?"
"Fantastic really. He took me to Paris, Germany, America, space, oh I never wanted to leave."
"Why did you go?"
"That man, that skinny man in a suit, that mad man, he gets to be so amazing that you forget the day. You forget the time. You forget the family you have. I had to go. My last ride was six years ago, and then I grew up," Giselle had a sad look on her face," you tend to get so accustomed with always being on your feet, and then normal life seems glacial. All the things I saw...it was worth waiting six years to come back. And you have to promise me something, Clessa Fairway."
Clessa nodded.
"Never let that man walk the streets of London alone."
Clessa giggled.
"Let's just say that there was a queen, and a pig, and a lawyer involved."
They shared a laugh.
Giselle, not knowing how to break the silence, started humming to herself.
"So...if aliens are true...is Bigfoot?"
Giselle smiled.
"Well....lets just say there is something in the mountains of Montana."
And with that comment, Giselle walked away. Leaving Clessa alone I explore the Machine. She quietly slipped into a long hallway.
Each door was different. One was green with a long knob. Another was brown, but with no knob.
She slowly came to an interesting door. It was blue. The knob was white...plastic. A small brass square on the door said Library. Clessa opened the door. Inside, she saw dozens of shelves of books. It was truly breathtaking.
"You sure do like books."
Clessa walked over to the east section of the room. There were binder instead of books. Clessa picked up a green binder labeled 'Reagan.' It looked a little bit old.
Clessa opened up the binder. There were black and white pictures of the Professor. A girl was in them too, and Clessa guessed that to be Reagan. Reagan had hair the color of Clessa's. She also had blue eyes, and a very kind smile. Journal entries of all kind were in there. One was the Professor's.
Today, our baby girl was born. She has the most gorgeous brown eyes and tufts of brown hair.
Reagan says that it is not safe to raise our daughter in the Machine: too many dangers. We have to find a human family to take care of our little girl.
So, today is the first and last day we we have with our girl.
Clessa looked at the picture of the little baby girl in the binder, and shoved it in her pocket for later.
She decided to look on in the binder. Pictures of happy and smiling people were scattered in the plastic slots.
"Professor, Professor."
Clessa giggled.
He was so happy.
Then he met you.
So, have you ever seen him that happy around you?
He has been happy before.
Well... I can just ask him about Reagan.
It's obviously his long lost wife.
So... he gave away his daughter....but he said he had children. Plural.
Yes..but in truth he only had one child ever.
So your saying that...
He lied to you.
That he does not trust you.
Yes he does.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
Clessa quickly pulled herself out of her mind, and looked back into the binder. All of the happy, smiling faces.
Clessa pulled the baby picture out of her pocket.
"You look familiar....."
Clessa looked closer at the picture. She gasped, and quickly pulled out her phone. The pictures matched.
Clessa ran out of the library, and into the control room. Her feet pounded the floor in excitement.
"PROFESSOR," yelled Clessa as she got into the control room.
"I think I just figured out who and where your daughter is."
"How do you-."
"I went to the library, and inside one of your binders, I found this picture. I-I thought it looked familiar, because I have the same one in my phone."
Clessa pulled out the picture and her phone.
"Then...who is my daughter," the Professor looked hopeful.
"Me," said Clessa.

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