Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes to see the clock reading 3:23am.
A sighed quietly and sat up. My chest wound still hadn't cleared up all the way from weeks ago.
I starred out the dark window to see stars shinning in.
I could barely remember much but the thought of sealing a deal was everything.
I glimpsed over to see Marshall sleeping sitting up.
I grinned looking at him.
Getting up I walked into the hallway. It seemed really quiet. Moving the faded green cretin hanging from the window, I noticed the old Chevy was gone.
I figured this would happen. Glimpsing over to the calendar it read a strange date.

"Wait...Have I?..."

I'd been out of days. Almost a week. "What the Hell?" I said grabbing the paper reading the date. Maddie walked out of her room and froze in shock.
"Dean? Your awake!" She said happily.
"Hey ya Sammy" I said smiling at her. She quickly hugged me and want back to her room.
I began thinking about her growing up. She's always been a sweet girl. She always would say how much she wants to go to law school or a journalism university.
I'm not gonna stop my Sammy from chasing her Dreams.
Walking back down the hall, I cult her voice talking to someone but I wast sure who.
"Sammy?" I asked
She quickly stopped talking.
I opened the door slightly. She laid sleeping.
I closed the door and want over to my door.
I starred into the room. Something didn't feel right again. I turned back to the living room to see the trench coated Marshall again.
"Eh- No-What the Hell- No! I-I'm dreaming!" I said shaking my head.
He turned starring at me,
"No Denna, this is very much real. The Mark Of Cain must be stopped as soon as possible"
He handed me a small jar on a blue glowing substance.
Starring at it, everything felt as if time had stopped.
The trench coated man disappeared and everything want normal.
I held the small glowing bottle, thinking.
Going into my room I sat the bottle beside the clock and starred at it.
I wasn't sure what to do with it. I sat on the edge of the bed just looking. Sammy glimpsed out her door an than quickly closed it.
"Okay, Okay, this this isn't real. Im dreaming...Yeah...Im just dreaming."
I said to myself in more thought.

I began thinking about the deal. I was never told how long I'd have...Jesus god knows when I could die! Or maybe...I could be dying right now.
I quickly jumped up looking around everything seemed real. Almost. I pulled at Marshall's arm looking for the Mark Of Cain.

My eyes widened as I saw nothing. He sat up pulling his hand away.
"What the hell are you doing? Wait Dean? When-" he asked.
I backed up running down the dark hallway. Everything seemed to be spinning around and around. I fell holding my head.
I clutched my eyes closed and yelled for Dad, even though I knew he had already left.

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