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Monday April 23,
I stood inside my bedroom on my laptop waiting for MarMar to knock. We'd had a long day and dad wasn't getting home for anther 9 hours. I asked him to come over.
Having a small rock be thrown to my window, I somewhat jumped. A big smile came upon my face as I looked outside. He stood with his same old brown boomer jacket. Running down stairs Sammy stood ready to question me.
"Not now Sammy" I said opening the front door to let my friend in. She stopped me.
"Dean, you can't keep this up. Dads gonna find out."
I stopped, "Sam, what are you trying to say?"
"He doesn't want you around him and either do I" she said crossing her arms.
"Sammy, Sammy Sammy, I'm the older sibling. I'm pretty sure I know what to do and not to do." I said twisting the door open.
"Dean" Sammy said lastly until leaving her self.
Opening the door to Marshall he seemed different. It frightened me almost and I surveyed him to see his arm seeming different.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked reaching toward his arm. He pulled back and held his arm.
"Eh-I-I don't know" he said seeming worried. And he took his jacket off to show me a mark.
I wasn't sure what to say it frightened me seen it somewhere before and I had a feeling it wasn't a good thing.
We sat looking at one another trying to find anything and everything out. There was nothing for a long while.
We sat on the couch trying to think still. I closed the third book and placed my eyes on his. His dark brown eyes had a look of caution and worry.
I surveyed the room and back to him. He quickly hugged me before I'd fully turned my head to the right.
His warm hug made me want to never let go. I quickly began to melt in his arms an just laid myself against him. I nearly wanted to cry in the thought of not being able to find anything and him getting hurt.

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