-Chapter 9-

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I suddenly felt as if I was about to die. I gripped my head telling myself that this wasn't real.
The world blacked as I felt my head hit the floor.
Opening my eyes I was in a street. The midnight sky starred down at me as I looked around. Road seemed to go no where. A opened field gave me a show of a city far out. Looking out on the road the sound of a car was all I could her but I wasn't sure where.
I took a deep breath holding my gut.
I looked back up at the sky trying to remember what had happened and where I could be. Glimpsing back at the city it was like a death place.
Lights hit my side and a car quickly stopped as I moved slightly.
"Dean?!" Someone yelled running over.
"D-Dad..." I said as he picked me up. His eyes filled with tears as he ran back to the car. He laid me down in the back set and Began driving fast down the road.
"Dammit" I heard him say and he picked up his phone.
"Hello?...Yeah She's okay...alright" he hun up throwing the phone to the passengers set. Clutching at my ripped shirt, I slowly began to cry.
It was my fault. I had Marshall die. And now a Knight Of Hell. Sammy was gone to god noes where.
"Dean? Calum down your gonna be okay." Dad said looking at me through the front mirror.
I turned slightly to see my dads face in the mirror. I gave somewhat of a grin and looked back up.
Dad pulled up to the house and ran me in. Uncle Bobby stood there frightened. I closed my eyes thinking and trying to remember. Patching up my wound, I sat up thinking.
I starred at my cell phone and dialled Marshall's cell.
No answer. Same for Sammy.
I listened to dad and uncle bobby talking about what was going on.
"It's my fault" I said looking down.
"What the hell does that mean?" Asked uncle Bobby.
"It's my fault that Sammy and Marshall are gone. The bloods on my hands."
Dad starred at me for a moment. "Dean,"
"No Dad! It's my fault Maddie could be dead! Marshall is a fucking Knight Of Hell because I let him die!"
I yelled standing up. Tears dropped down my face as I looked at them both.
Dad sighed an turned his head away. I watched the glass window and fell to my knees.
I covered my face with my hands.
"It's all my fucking fault" I cried.
Suddenly my phone want off with the ringtone I'd gave for Maddie.
I jumped up answering it.
"SAMMY?!" I said
"Dean? I-I Where are you?"
My eyes want shocked.
"What do you mean"
"I-I wait what the hell! St-Stay away from ME! DEAN! It's Crowley!"
"*yelling* Stay away! *crashing* Dean! Golden Creek!"
*call ended*
Dad and Uncle Bobby starred at me.
"I need the car...Now" I said.
Driving down the empty street I want as fast as I could. Bobby and dad tracked behind as I came up upon the empty city.
Jumping out of the car Marshall stood in his hood like before. I quickly pulled out my gun.
"Dammit Marshall where's my sister!"
He smirked and walked foreword.
"Not here with Crowley somewhere around this ghost town....You wanna kill me Dean. I know you do. It's just that...You love me to much." I looked at him. Sadly he was right. I pulled my gun down slightly. Dad and uncle Bobby pulled up watching.
"Admit it Dean" he said walking more toward me. I began to feel pissed off. I wanted to shoot him but I couldn't. Dad grabbed the blade from uncle bobby and walked unsuspected. I saw dad behind him with the blade. I began to cry slowly.
Marshall fell to the ground in blood and death. I fell to my knees crying more. I held on to him tightly.


How To Save A lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें