Chapter 39 - Finally

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When Shen Yuan returned to consciousness the memories of the night before slowly came to him. Fuck, he'd really kissed Xiaosi? While sober? And then he'd climbed into bed with Xu Tengfei who surely thought he was his cousin.

Now he was self aware enough to know the male scent was affecting him. Well, it was normal to feel this way in the morning, especially with someone's erection leaning peacefully into your ass. Xu Tengfei's bladder was full and that was stimulating his prostate and that was the only reason he had someone's hard cock poking at him.

His mind wandered, and just as it had with his silly fantasies of having a family, it created another scene. He tried in vain to stop it, but the dam in his mind was cracking and a slow, steady stream of thoughts were leaking out.

He indulged himself with one fantasy. Xu Tengfei, nude, coming out of the shower and seeing Shen Yuan half dressed, only wearing boxers. Pretty boxers, not his ugly ones, certainly. And he could see in his mind that monster cock standing up, just for him. He could see himself going to bed and telling Xu Tengfei to ignore his desire and then going to bed together and feeling the same hardness he could feel right now. Imagining it was on purpose. That it was Xu Tengfei who was reigning in his desire acting as if all was normal, but his body was betraying him.

The mere idea of Xu Tengfei's dark eyes on him, of knowing he wanted to fuck Shen Yuan- god he wasn't just gay, he was a sick perverted gay who wanted to get fucked by his kid co-worker. Almost 21-year-old but whatever, much younger. He fidgeted a bit eliciting a soft moan from the child. Shit. Why was that hot? How come he'd never noticed he liked male moans. He wasn't into friggin somno or something, this wasn't right! He felt his heart start to pound again and started to push the wall to make space when Xu Tengfei let go and started to stir.

"Shizun?" asked a groggy, sleepy voice.

"Yes- sorry I got into your bed it's just-"

"It's okay," his raspy, deep voice sent a little jolt of electricity down Shen Yuan, and his traitorous dick reveled in the conquest of Shen Yuan's mind. Now they were both chasing the same, and it wasn't something sensible or even decent.

"Breakfast is ready!" Xiaosi's annoyingly loud voice interrupted them and Xu Tengfei made a sudden movement that caused him to land on the floor taking the covers with him. Oh crap, would Xiaosi see Shen Yuan's erection? He needed pictures of Qinghua's feet immediately. Shen Yuan turned to the wall again.

"We're going, just give us a minute," he grunted without leaving his spot.

Xu Tengfei sat up on the floor.

"We'll be there soon- I think I overslept a bit."

"No problem, just don't take too long or food will get cold." Xiaosi left the door ajar, the asshole. Xu Tengfei returned the covers and lingered a moment before going to the bathroom.

As soon as he disappeared Shen Yuan got up and checked himself in the mirror- his erection wasn't that visible in his borrowed clothing, good. His cock would go down quickly, this whole panic thing should be a mood killer... or at least it should but it wasn't. Not nearly enough.

His mind returned to the fantasy from before, as if it was an actual memory wanting to be stored.

It took Tengfei a few minutes to return and he was avoiding Shen Yuan's face, but the latter really couldn't tell because he was doing exactly the same.

"Go ahead to breakfast, I'll go use the bathroom and join you two," he said, rushing to 'clean up' without waiting for an answer.

When he arrived at the table, there was a nice spread, everything smelled divine. It was obvious who had cooked.

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