Chapter 6 - Shen Hunting Season

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"Hunting season? What the fuck is Shen hunting season?" asked Shen Yuan bewildered, standing by his trailer still in his street clothes.

"Fans took the comment you've never been spotted as a challenge and want to see who's the first one to find you. There are a bunch of them outside one of the entrances," she replied.

He'd seen the small crowd, so obviously he'd avoided it and gone in with some cargo. The guys unloading greeted him nicely, he'd chatted with them once or twice.

"Well I'm alive. I'll just wait until they leave or something. Now I need to go get changed," he said just going into his trailer. He hadn't had coffee yet so he was still grumpy.

Luckily today was hectic and nobody bothered him. In fact, he didn't get a breather until lunch, when Zheng Fa a.k.a Liu Shidi came over to him.

"I want to talk to you," he said with a serious expression.

"I didn't do it."

"Didn't do what?" asked the man.

"Whatever you're angry about."

This just made his frown even deeper.

"Just come with me already."

Shen Yuan sighed and followed, taking his fan just in case. They walked over to a secluded area. He saw Zheng Fa's name on the door of the small trailer where they stopped. A nice, quiet spot.

"I wanted to thank you," said the man, still formal and almost stern, "We reviewed my contract since I will now be appearing until the end of the series. I heard it was your doing that my character doesn't get killed. Thank you."

The man bowed in a very neat, beautiful way.

Shen Yuan felt a bit embarrassed, he'd kind of forgotten there were actors behind the characters, even if he was one of them. The whole thing of not killing Liu Qingge was him being nosy and reckless, not him thinking about the actual people it would affect. Suddenly the whole thing with the writers hating him seemed a bit more worrisome. These were actual people he was screwing over.

"It's nothing, really. I like your style and would like to continue working together. I'm glad they're keeping you," he managed to speak.

The man bowed his head.

"It will be a pleasure to continue working together. Unlike my character, I think quite highly of you. You're doing an excellent job on very little training. Keep it up."

Shen Yuan's heart skipped a beat because, fuck, this was the first time he actually believed a compliment. Xiaosi was an odd playboy type, the girls were just nice, System... didn't compliment him, actually, and the director just gave general luke-warm "good job" comments. Coming from this man who was his senior, skilled and nice looking it actually felt genuine.

"Thank you," he said, choking a bit, "please.. Please let me know if there's anything I have to work on."

"I will. I will count on you to do the same."

As if Shen Yuan had any idea. He knew plots and character designs and gaming, even maybe programming. Acting wasn't really his skill. So he just nodded sagely, as if he had a clue on how to correct this person who was on several shows he'd watched throughout the years. A pro, unlike himself.

He finally was about to head back to maybe get some coffee and food when he heard some voices in the background.

"You can't be in here!" a voice was sternly scolding a girl dressed a bit like a ninja with a balaclava, black tights and "SHEN YUAN STAN" on a white t-shirt. He got a bit closer but hid behind his fan.

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