Chapter 12 - New beginnings

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It was 5.30 am and Shen Yuan had slept well for once, the hotel's bed was superior to his own. They were starting the filming in a remote location for this season, and the whole cast and crew was staying a few days in a small city by some forest. He'd fleetingly met everyone the day before and greeted them before locking himself in the hotel room and passing out. Today was the beginning of the new season. But first, he needed to get to the hotel's buffet and feed himself.

"Cucumber bro, did you like the new script?"

Shang Qinghua a.k.a. Airplane Flying Towards the Sky had somehow walked towards him before he even noticed. Maybe because he was so short and annoying, Shen Yuan's brain didn't register him.

"What the fuck did you change the story so much for? Some fans will be pissed, but I like it better than the original. It seems more organic and... you're changing the target audience, aren't you?"

"Yeah, we got a 70% female audience, can you believe it? The screenings went great with women so we immediately started adapting. The ratings are quite amazing and a ton of Shen Qingqiu merch is being sold. You're getting more lines," said the author.

Shen Qingqiu rubbed his forehead.

"Let me get coffee before you give me shitty news," he mumbled, walking towards the buffet and pouring himself a huge amount of coffee.

In a single lonely table was sitting Xu Tengfei, looking at them. Shen Yuan ignored him and got himself some pork filled bread and fruit.

"He looks angry, did you piss him off already?" Asked Airplane.

"He probably thinks I kissed his cousin. I will just work and not talk to him," said Shen Yuan.

Once he had food, he fled towards a table in the back of the room letting Shang Qinghua scramble to follow him.

"Cu-cum-ber-broo," the small annoying gremlin insisted on being loud.


"Did you really like the new script?"

"Yeah, you ass, do you think I'd lie to make you happy when you're giving me a headache? I'd rather tear it to bits but it seems like you finally learned how to write."

"Great, you somehow always figure out what people will like. I gave myself a servant role to Mobei Jun by the way."

"Figures. You're a sort of masochist."

"See who's talking. I see you comment on Bingqiu fan arts on twitter."

"They just pop up. I don't get why that ship is so fucking popular, the show has a lot of cute adorable heroines. I hope you make Binghe marry Sha Hualing."

"Bingqiu is popular because of the insane chemistry you had with Xiaosi. Even in scenes where it should look like you were being a bastard, it seems tender. People picked up on it, they loved it. Also the carriage scene you improvised, where you were holding Binghe in your arms, was superb. I couldn't have written it better."

"That's because you can't write," he munched on his bread, "Xiaosi is now gone, so bye-bye Bingqiu."

"Let's bet! If Bingqiu ends up as #1 ship by the end of this season, you'll have to ask Xiaosi on a date."

"And if it doesn't, you'll make Binghe marry who I say."

"Can't guarantee they'll 100% listen to me," Airplane frowned a bit and shrugged, "but I can try my best to make it happen."

"It's a deal then."

They shook on it and continued eating. Not much time left before they had to go to the location.

The first scene was of Shen Qingqiu training his students. The style of the outfits and makeup had changed and they looked a bit older already.

"You children grow up so fast," joked Shen Yuan, seeing them in their new clothes.

"Yeah, especially Binghe, he aged two whole years in four months," joked one of the kids.

Xu Tengfei looked over when he heard his character's name but was silent.

"He turned into a different person too. Wait, two years? He looks like he aged like six years at least."

At this the young man's face darkened.

"Shizun, Xu Tengfei turned twenty this year," whispered Ning Yingying, getting way too close to him.

"He - what? He can't be twenty!" He spoke a bit too loudly.

Oh shit, now he was dead. The look he was getting from new Binghe... if it was a glare before, it was murder now.

People were hiding their laughs seeing Shen Yuan's look of utter terror.

"Now everyone, let's start reading. Xu Tengfei, watch carefully. I know you have stage experience but filming has a few extra steps so pay attention," said the director.

Shen Yuan could feel himself sweating. The huge kid made him really nervous. He looked like a Xiaosi that had lost his mirth and innocence, a serious, dark man. Perfect for the role, really. At least Shen Yuan wouldn't lose his bet this time around.

The first scene came naturally now. It was nothing like when he started the first season, he'd been tutored and had experience. No stiffness while talking, no excess energy for the cold bastard, he looked and felt confident.

After a few takes of the same scene they were done. Xu Tengfei along with Zakharov Jianjun were up now. Shen Yuan stayed in a corner to watch.

Young Tengfei had a powerful voice and imposing presence but something was off with his acting. He could hear the director's indications to go softer, make more fluid movements but it wasn't quite working. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't perfect.

"I think he needs some booze," he thought out loud and the director looked at him.

"Or a puppy. Something to make him happy. He looks miserable."

Tengfei turned red but where Shen Yuan thought he'd get punched, the boy sighed.

"It's a bit stressful. Shi- I mean Mr. Shen, do you have any tips?"

Shen Yuan paused, shocked at the meek and friendly response. Hadn't he been glaring daggers for a while now?

"Before starting to describe how you'll solve this mystery, you should speak of why you're doing it. Just pause so it can be cut later, I'd go for something noble like 'I need to make sure nobody is hurt. I was trained in the abyss so nobody else will need to suffer'. Binghe is a good man, let it show."

Tengfei's shoulders seemed to sag a bit, losing the stiffness. His mind seemed to click somehow.

"Let 's start over," said Zakharov.

It wasn't perfect, still, but the next try was a lot smoother. They were getting there. Shen Yuan finally decided to leave, seeing there was a gossip circle going on he didn't want to miss.

Just as he was walking away got a SMS from a phone number he didn't know. Who uses SMS anymore?

"I'm sorry, Shizun. Good luck today."

He deleted it and walked on. No use looking back now, he was moving on. And somehow it wasn't quite so bad.

-----------Next Chapter: Chapter 13 - Team work

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