Chapter 15 - Dick Malfunction Part 2

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Shen Yuan had just moaned out loud and the silence stretched, painful, an eternally held breath threatening to suffocate him. Xu Tengfei's eyes were scorching his skin. A thousand eyes were watching, surely enjoying his pain, but Binghe's eyes were the worst by far.

And as suddenly as this hell had started, it was interrupted. Xu Tengfei broke the ten second silence.

"Such a good Shizun. Moan my name now. Say it," his voice was raspy and sexy, he sounded like he was in a real bedroom commanding some virgin bottom to do his bidding. It took Shen Yuan a moment to realize he'd incorporated the moan from before to the tale. The star had paused again and was looking at him.

"B-Binghe... Luo Binghe," he stammered, trying to squeeze some lust out of his nervous breakdown. It sort of worked, he sounded like a choked, innocent little thing, so unlike himself it was mortifying.

"Like that, you're a good little omega, my Shizun." Tengfei's voice was speaking just to him, as if he was actually desirable. Shen Yuan's cock's vicious hardon got even stiffer, painful as was this whole situation. The raspy male voice was not supposed to be this hot. Didn't Shen Yuan like tomboys? It had to be that. Just associating Xu Tengfei to a very cute butch lady.

It felt like he was in a bizarre porn movie with too many people watching. They'd fed him viagra and were mocking him because he was going insane thinking he might be gay. Fucking sadistic crowd.

"I will have to gag you now or the guards will hear."

Thank goodness Binghe was giving him a way out of acting out more porn dialogue. Tengfei, not Binghe.

The praise had been way too much for his virgin pants, he needed to run to the bathroom but his feet were glued to the floor and Biya was now grabbing his arm and digging her nails into it. Binghe had gone to the abyss, but Shen Yuan was in hell right now.

Now Tengfei described how he was fucking Shen Qingqiu, gave every detail of his pretty little hole. Shen Yuan had to remind himself it wasn't his body they were talking about.

If he wasn't so nervous he might marvel at the young man's ability to narrate everything without seeming embarrassed. Did he have any blood in his veins? How could he read this in front of a crowd?

"And so, without thinking, I made Shizun my bride. There'd be plenty of time to think things through while he carried my pups, but now just enjoying his body would be enough. The end," he read at last.

There was a tentative, awkward applause. Some people looked uncomfortable, some others were drinking way too much. A few seemed genuinely turned on, it was really a mixed crowd.

"You did wonderfully!" said Shang Qinghua, the only one who'd been clapping enthusiastically.

Tengfei simply nodded, he might be a bit pinkish in the face. Hard to tell while staring at the table and wishing to die.

"Well, I'm heading to bed," said one of the stuntmen, a muscular guy in his thirties.

A few other people took his cue. Shen Yuan tried to stand up but Biya held him in place.

"Did you really moan?" she asked in a whisper.

"No," he lied.


"Let me go," he whisper-yelled at her.

"Shizun, truth or dare," said Tengfei.

Shen Yuan looked up.

"I've had my turn already!"

"You can be called twice, let the man speak," scolded Qinghua.

"Truth or dare?"

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