Chapter 19 - He's back

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After the trip they had a few days off, where Shen Yuan got over the back pain of sleeping between two beds, continued his training, practiced his acting and did his taxes. Just mundane and boring, the calm before the storm.

His first day back he got to the set early, he knew he'd have to film some flashbacks and he'd been mentally preparing. It was noon, a full hour before he was supposed to even get started with the whole wardrobe and makeup thing. He looked around, Xu Tengfei was filming, the director was giving instructions, the production assistants running around, the usual hectic whirlwind. He started pacing, trying to decide whether to stay or go, his thoughts rehearsing an imaginary conversation that would happen. Many versions of the same words. Luckily for him, Biya dragged him off and wouldn't let him continue.

"Come on darling, time to get changed into your costume. We'll give you extra moisturizer today," she said cheerfully.

Weibo lady was back now they'd returned to the actual set, and today she was coming after poor Xu Tengfei. Shen Yuan had just finished with hair and makeup (with lots of bonus skincare) and saw him glaring at the camera. He looked stiff and utterly unhappy, as he had at the beginning of the filming. Shen Yuan couldn't help it, he just stepped forward.

"Whatever you asked him, you should stop. I won't let you bully my students," he said, appearing in front of that camera for the first time willingly. The woman's eyes widened slightly, she wasn't expecting actual 'cooperation' of sorts. In fact, she expected Shen Yuan to flee as soon as he saw her.

Xu Tengfei paused for a moment too but his expression immediately morphed into a bright smile.

"Shizun! I wasn't being bullied, only asked about my family."

"Well, it doesn't matter, don't answer."

"Master Shen, would you like to talk about your family?"

"They're all dead, nothing much to it," replied Shen Yuan shrugging.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know-," started the woman but was cut off by a juvenile male voice.

"Shizun, are you cheating on me with another Luo Binghe?"

Both men seemed to tense a little, Shen Yuan's jaw clenched and Xu Tengfei just changed his posture ever so slightly to seem a bit taller. Not that he needed it.

Xu Xiaosi approached them with a smile, looking as innocent as ever. He was dressed already but no makeup or wig yet. He, too, had thought to come early.

"I believe you two are the same person so no cheating involved," he replied coldly, trying to channel as much indifference as possible.

"You're right, but you never once defended me," he answered, pouting like the child he was.

"You really don't need to be defended," he replied without looking at his face, "you know your way with words already."

"I wasn't attacking anyone," protested Weibo lady, "but really! We can't upload this as it is. Can't you do something cute so we have some promo material? Some hugging or cat ear games?"

"Of course! We should both kiss shizun!" Xu Xiaosi always had such inappropriate ideas. They needed a horny jail to put him into. Maybe Qinghua's socks would do.

"No you should not kiss shizun," replied Shen Yuan glaring. Xu Tengfei just let out a little sigh, shaking his head.

"Kissing is a bit much, how about you tell us about what to expect this season and what it is like to work together? You can spice it up with some head patting if you'd like," Poor lady, trying to do her job.

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