With a sharp whistle, I call them to me, the gray reaching first but I must wait for the black. Gripping the tattered remains of his shirt, I can only cringe as he clutches my battered body so tightly. As the black nears me, I use the ice to wrap around his body before throwing myself back into the portal. 

We fall through the realm, and for a moment I feel weightless as the panicked creatures thrash and attempt to right themselves. Shutting my fist, I seal the portal behind us, trying to follow the magical scent that still remained from our last trip here. It was as if I could still feel the essence of our desperation only this time I was propelling myself back in time through the power of my ice. 

Multiple sets of suspicious eyes follow us, uncertain, and angry at our presence. A dragon roars, I push us faster, my body was brimming with magic and I had to expel it. I could feel the path, the trail that I'd pulled them from. 

"Go back." The dragons hiss over and over, I feel the direction of energy flowing towards us, everyone was taking notice that we were once more changing time. 

"One last time. I have to fix this." I call back to them, pushing through the pool and yanking the two werewolves with me. We'd thrown ourselves through a puddle on the street, in the pouring down rain as the sun begins to peak over the horizon. 

A cart and horse trot past us, Randy coughs and sputters, and the two humans beside me were regaining their mortal forms with the rising sun. 

I cry out, holding onto my shattered leg as I start to freeze it before Cas grabs my hand.

"Don't you dare." He glances up, turning my eyes towards a shopkeeper who was watching us. "No magic or they will take you away."

"My leg is shattered." 

Randy coughs up a mouth full of blood, I hear the clank of a bullet hitting the ground. "We're all pretty fucked up." He manages, shaking his head in disbelief, before lifting his shirt to reveal the nearly healed wounds. "Doesn't make it hurt any less. We need to set your leg before it heals."

Standing, he bends to pick me up, I scream as I clutch my knee, trying to stabilize my lower leg as Cas floats his hands in an attempt to appear like he might do something if he could figure out where to touch me. Another carriage goes by, screaming at us to get out of the road, Randy carries me in a steady jog as Cas follows behind him. Trying to keep me stable, each movement makes me wish for death. 

My head, my shoulder, my back, my leg, my body felt like it'd been dismembered. 

We burst into the shabby house, I remember it from the dream I'd entered. Rugs and small bits of furniture. Children still sleeping in various places, Caspian clears the table as Randy sets me on it. "Conseguir mamá," He demands of the sleepy-eyed teen who we'd disturbed. 

Her long tangled gray hair was pulled into a messy bun that allowed various strands to pool around her shoulders and back, she grumbles as she disappears into the darkness, and Caspian lights a lantern. 

What I wouldn't give for modern-day painkillers, they were going to set my leg without any morphine. "I'm assuming you don't have any whiskey," I grumble, flinching as he shoves me back into a more reclined position. 

"Not with these heathens." Cas spits. "Even the toddlers are alcoholics."

"Que paso?" The older woman rubs her eyes, still in her nightgown, as she appears with the teenager following behind her. She freezes, staring at him wide-eyed before clutching his face. "Aye, Randy! Que demonios?!" 

"Mama." He corrects her, putting his hands on her arms, "My friend needs you."

Gasping, she covers her mouth with her hand as she takes me in. "Did.. you do this?" she murmurs, her English was rough and broken, and her accent was so heavy I hardly understood her. 

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now