Chapter 23 - Fire Pit

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Khed pushed open the door with a rare smile. "Welcome to the Fire Pit."

They had spent the whole afternoon chasing down a Mr. Fronston looking for Vehya's alchemy tools. She'd told them numerous times that they didn't have to come, but the look Jude had given them was pleading. And so when they finally tracked down the address, Mr. Fronston had opened his door to six young people looking tried and dejected, yet still somewhat hopeful thanks to Charlie's optimistic encouragement. He practically handed over the glass tubes and containers, for a full refund of course and information on where to source another, without Vehya having to explain why she wanted it back.

After that she was much nicer to be around. Yalli wondered what the significance of the contraption was but Vehya just seemed happy to have it in her arms. Jude excused himself to go fill in the ledger, even though Vehya told him not to worry and apologised another three times. Ezerre invited him to join them but that only seemed to distress Jude further, so they said their farewells. At that stage it was too late to do anything else but make their way over to Khed's sister's Tavern.

The Fire Pit was two stories high and made of sturdy wooden beams and stone walls. A warm glow came from within and Yalli felt her excitement building. She didn't know they had fighting rings in Kurndun and she was desperate to see some more casting. It always fascinated her to see others' gifts and how they used them.

"Careful Yalli," Vehya gave her a grin, "Don't let them know you're too eager or we will be spending all our weekends in shady taverns."

Yalli glanced at her. She wasn't completely sure what to make of the older girl. At first she'd thought they would be closer, when she'd discovered Vehya was also a caster it had been Yalli's mission to stay friends with her and Ezerre. It soon became apparent that Yalli wasn't cut out for this kind of socialising and she' quickly found herself feeling awkward around the others. She begun to dread it. Her stomach would sink when she tried to talk with any of them and her words did not seem to have the meanings she intended them to. There was also the odd aura around Vehya. She was a caster, of that Yalli was sure, but her energy seemed to press on her like it was constantly trying to smother her. And Yalli thought she saw a loathing in Vehya. A loathing for gift she'd been given. It made no sense.

It had changed when she'd seen Vehya throw herself into the fight on the oval. That had been a moment of stark clarity. A flash of lightening in the night. Yalli would try to be their friends, she could do this. She just had to let them see part of her; be herself. Even a small part.

"What if that's exactly how I want to spend every weekend?" She asked and Vehya looked surprised for a moment, then she grinned.

"Then we better show these guys we belong here." She held out her hand and Yalli felt her own hand twitch. With a small intake of breath she took Vehya's hand and let the older girl pull her into the Tavern.

A warm yellow glow and the smell of ale set the room alight with merriment. The group was sucked into the fray and soon they had a booth in the back corner. It was a terrible place to sit if you wanted to see the fighting, but they spent their meal laughing at Ezerre as Khed beat him for a sixth time, pinning his arm to the table with one hand and drinking out of a pint with the other.

Yalli and Vahya banged the table three times and Khed released Ezerre. "Your shout, Tepper. Again."

Charlie returned with another round of soup and warm bread. He put one in front of Yalli, she shook her head. "I couldn't possibly fit anything else."

Ezerre snatched her bowel and downed it in one go. "Again, but I get to use both hands."

"Sparks man," Vehya lifted her second drink and shook her head. "How badly do you want to be humiliated? Because I'd be happy to pin you, if you'd like."

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