Chapter 24- Early Morning

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The dormroom spun when Vehya woke. She pressed a hand to her temple and groaned.

"Shit." Outside the light was bright and the sun had already risen high. "He's going to kill me."

It took Vehya another ten minutes to sort herself out, wash her face and drudge down to the training grounds. The Asla grounds were mostly empty this early on a Sunday, however there was another pair training on the far side and Vehya recognised Brett. His partner was a tall older woman who was slicing deep groves into the ground.

Rynden was sitting waiting for her and the slight spring wind kept covering half his face with hair. She could still see his expression and it made her hesitate. He didn't look angry, rather his spine straightened as she trudged across the dew soaked grass.

She really shouldn't have drunk Yalli's pints last night.

Ryn tilted his head and looked her up and down. She was wearing her sleeping pants; Loose cotton died dark navy, and her top was tied together haphazardly at the sides. Her fingers hadn't wanted to work this morning.

"I didn't think you'd come." Rynden's voice was not annoyed either. Why isn't he angry with me? She had to be hours late and she knew they wouldn't be able to practice properly anyway, not with the way her head was pounding. "Busy night?"

Vehya just waved off the question and dropped her satchel next to him which she covered with her cape. "I hope you're not expecting great things. I can barely stand."

Rynden covered his reaction quickly and Vehya missed it as he stood in one graceful motion. "No casting then. How about we start with combat?"

Combat? She probably should have expected there would be hand to hand fighting, at least some martial training, but her ears started ringing when she saw Rynden take off his shirt.

In her hazy state she just stood there and watched him. He was like a wall of muscle, lean yet more defined than Vehya would have imagined. Only she'd never thought to consider it. "Ah... Ryn?"

He turned to face her and it took a considerable amount of will power to hold his grey eyes. The flat grass oval tilted again but Vehya would not lose her balance. He was waiting for her to speak, his face open and his body language relaxed. Maybe he does this all the time? Maybe I'm the weird one here? "How many actual fights have you been in when you weren't wearing a shirt?"

It came out in her usual drawl for which she was grateful.

Rynden glanced down at his exposed chest and back at her face with a slight frown. "Vee, I don't think anyone is going to care." He glanced at the pair behind them who were now sparing. "It's just Brett and Livi out here."

And me. She didn't say that. "Yeah, but I'm the one that has to fight you."

He was looking at her with a mostly blank expression on his face before he shook his head; the smallest smile starting to form. "We've been in the same bath, Vee. I didn't think it would be an issue."

"We were kids, Ryn." She rolled her eyes. "I'd rather not have to smack into your sweaty chest, thank you." Vehya tried to keep her tone light but that way Rynden was looking at her; like he was trying to figure out why this bothered her. Sparks...

"Alright." He pulled his shirt back on and gave her a weird look. "Let's just get started; you've delayed long enough already."

Vehya let out a small breath. Yes... that's what I'm doing... "Come at me then Palfer." She held her hands out in front of her in a battle stance. Ryn sighed. "What?"

He crossed his arms. "I forgot you wouldn't know anything."

"Hey!" She'd been in fights. She could hold her own. Rynden was suddenly at her side and he tapped her elbow. This should have been nothing for Vehya, they used to brawl as children all the time, but that was a long time ago. They hadn't been this close in almost ten years.

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