Chapter 18 - Disturbing Developments

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Despite what others may believe, Ezerre didn't particularly like drama. He'd been in his fair share and causing drama was far less loathsome than watching it unfold, but when the whole school began buzzing that morning... Well, Ezerre found he wasn't in the mood.

"How many days?" Vex asked for the second time. Kat, Ezerre's other dorm-mate had come barging in after breakfast

"Seven." Kat snapped at him. "But everyone else got one. 'cept that big novie..." Kat fumbled for Khedda's name, "He got like three days? I think."

"Huh." Vex was sitting at their small communal table while Ezerre sat on the floor with a copy of 'Elemental changes: Links with the Mundane' which he'd borrowed after yesterdays fiasco, pretending to read before the last classes of the week.

One week gone already. He would have to write home tomorrow; his mother's letter had arrived yesterday, though he was yet to read it. He didn't feel particularly enthralled by the idea.

"Don't huh me, I spent all morning getting this intell." Kat said, he had an excitable manner that could quickly shift to irritation. "It gets better," He leaned forward to divulge his gossip and Ezerre tried to push through the same sentence for the third time.

Basic metals, or more commonly known as lesser metals, were believed to be on a journey for which it was the alchemist's task to further and purify, through a process of transmutation; the metamorphous or chrysopoeia.

"-But that's just one theory. Julius Wanditi reckons it's some secret Sorcery Society shit." Kat was saying eagerly now. "Almost like General Palfer, is trying to set them up as a battle pair."

Ezerre's head popped up. "What?"

His dorm-mates glanced at him then at each other across the table over their coffee. "You never listen, Ez." Vex chastised him, but he was hardly one to talk.

"The General payed for the new training classrooms after Lerron destroyed the building." Kat explained. "You can see his initials on the plaque with the quote 'For the preservation of skilled and disciplined casters', or something like that. Seems a bit suspicious don't you think? Three entrance letters? Only having to perform one task at the exam? Not to mention the fact that they used casting on potential members of the Crimson Order."

Ezerre held himself back from defending his other companions. No one had actually seen Vehya use her casting on anyone, there were just rumours about some back and forth threats, but the Reaper? Everyone had seen the misty shadows and it was pretty clear who they belonged to; only two people had that ability. Maybe three, Ezerre reconsidered but he wasn't sure if Charlie was capable of casting. He was still trying to figure out Charlie in general. 

"So you think they should have been expelled?" Ezerre asked trying to process this new information and figure out where it fit. "Even though the injury was to Harpet, who got punched in the face by Wanditi?"

"That's what would have happened to anyone else."

Ezerre opened his mouth but found no counter argument to Kat's, so he just returned to his book. "I guess so."

By the time their second week started the rumours had become so diluted with crap, it was ridiculous anyone bothered to gossip about the incident at all. Consequently, Ezerre felt reasonably inconspicuous when he joined the group Monday morning for breakfast.

Gauging Yalli's restless energy and slight frown Ezerre knew she'd spent her whole weekend worrying about the others. She had tucked a red curl behind her ear three times already, but her constant movement kept making it fall back into her face.

"You went?" Ezerre asked taking a seat at the end of the mess table.

Yalli nodded, grateful to be given an outlet to vent. "I couldn't get in though. A senior sent me away every time." She seemed very disheartened by her failed attempt. Confirming his suspicions she mumbled, "All I could think about on Sunday was how horrible it must be for them... alone."

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