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Chapter 1- The long conge

The rustle of clothing and foot's steps the dad was making was startling his first eldest son, as his son was confused. He was packing his clothin' and his youngest son's clothes in two different bags. The firstborn was the first to speak after 10 minutes of seeing his dad becoming more frantic. He looked at his two kids, one 20, the other 7 years younger than him.


The voice made him look at his two kids, sighing and walking over to the two boys. "Wilbur, when he wake' tell him to send mama bird to me. I will have the letter ready 5 minutes after she arrives. Do not do anything crazy until then." the strange request was confusing for Wilbur, but he accepted request; that was given to him.

"Dadza, what are you doing?" the younger son asked.

"We are going on a mission. Technoblade won't come, and we need your older brother here to protect the home."

"But Dadza." The younger one was starting to complain more on the subject.

"Tommy, listen to dadza. He wants to ride the government. It just might take longer than expected."

"But we are leaving Techno and you behind."

"If you stayed here, then the house would be burnt to a crisp." Wilbur exaggerated his words but hugged his little brother, "Just wait till then."

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