"I know" Five rolled his eyes and Inanna chuckled leaning her head against his. "So are you".

Once the song ended and the next began playing, Five instantly blinked himself and Inanna over to the buffet, giving her no time to argue as he shoved a plate in her hands. Inanna wasn't going to put up a fight, she had made a deal with her husband and she planned on sticking with it, even if she liked the song that played throughout the room.

"Stop stealing my food" Inanna slid her plate further away from Five as he tried reaching for the lamb off her plate.

"You don't even like lamb" Inanna slapped Five's hand away as he tried reaching for her plate again. Five himself wasn't even a big fan of lamb, but he didn't want to watch Inanna poking around at her food because of her hatred for the meat. He wanted to enjoy what could possibly be her last meal.

"Well, well-" Inanna looked from Five to the lamb, which Luther had slapped onto her plate, poorly hiding her disgust. "Maybe I've changed my mind, it's been a while since you and I have had a proper sit down meal, six years in fact, how do you know I don't like lamb?".

"Other than the clear horror on your face-" Five pointed at Inanna's face. "-What about the baby sheep?".

Inanna stared at Five, wishing that she had never told Five about her hatred for eating lamb all those years ago at the beginning of the apocalypse. Five reached for her plate again, but before he could grab it Klaus came over to their table holding a glass of champagne.

"Cinco! Mi hermano" Klaus pointed at Five as he sat down next to Inanna. Five muttered "Oh God".

"What do you want?" Five asked.

Klaus ignored Five as he picked up Inanna's hand, muttering 'Little firefly' before kissing the back of her hand, causing Inanna to chuckle quietly.

"Klaus?" Five raised his brow, encouraging his brother to answer his question.

Klaus leaned back in his chair, looking from Inanna to Five. "Listen to me-" Klaus started and Inanna knew it wouldn't be good. "Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what say you two and I pop up to the suite for a little chitchat?".

"No" Inanna shook her head, immediately against Klaus's suggestion to speak to Reginald.

"Are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now?" Five asked.

"This dad's different" Klaus argued. "He's a turtle-" Klaus continued as Five ate the fruit off his plate. "Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside".

Five dropped his head with a sigh before looking back to his brother. "Klaus?".

"Yeah?" Klaus mumbled.

"Old dogs like me and him never change. He has never had our best interests at heart" Five picked up a shot dropping it into a glass of alcohol that sat on the table in front of him. "So, my plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition and spend a few hours with my lovely wife" Five set his hand on Inanna's thigh under the table.

Klaus looked between them, knowing that Inanna wasn't going to change her mind even if he spent half an hour trying to persuade her.

"Sure" Klaus lifted his glass and clinked it against Five's. "Have at it".

"We shall" Five responded.

Klaus turned on his chair, his eyes locking on his next target, Diego, who sat alone while Lila made her way back to their table with a plate of food.

"You think your dad really has a plan?" Inanna dropped her voice to a whisper as she leaned her arm on the table, blocking out Klaus and Lila from her conversation.

Divorce ✶ five hargreevesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon