Chapter Five

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“There is no way. She was on birth control and we made sure to use condoms for the most part.”

Kakashi took in the unease on his face and he felt like pinching the bridge of his own nose. Sakura and Sasuke seemed to be smart and responsible kids, but even they could make mistakes and accidents happened. It was unexpected to even Kakashi because of the innocent nature that Sakura seemed to have about her in her recordings. However, even the most innocents are not immune to the dangerous woes of having sex.

“Her mother confirmed it,” Kakashi said slowly and resignation settled on Sasuke’s face. It didn’t really matter if she was or wasn’t. It didn’t change the fact that Sakura Haruno was missing and possibly dead. It didn’t change the fact that the young Uchiha’s unborn baby most likely never came to be. It didn’t change anything, but maybe it could lead to a little more discovery and closure. “Is there any chance that this is what she wanted to talk to you about?”

“There’s a possibility.. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I mean, how?” Sasuke looked distressed. Maybe it did change things a little bit, after all. Kakashi wasn’t sure about this - he had yet to deal with a case like this one for as long as he had, much less the circumstances.

“Sometimes things just happen. There is always that percent.”

“So not only my girlfriend is missing, but possibly my baby, too?” He leans forwards in his chair and not for the first time, tugs at his hair. He was going to suffer from hair loss at this point in the future.

Kakashi didn’t know how he was supposed to sugarcoat it.


Her being pregnant brought up other complications. Sakura had made it obvious in her recordings that she didn’t want to make a decision on what to do with the baby until she discussed it with Sasuke first. It was unknown if that remained true at the time of her disappearance.

“Sasuke’s father keeps acting stranger and stranger. I don’t think he likes me very much but I can’t figure out why. Sasuke thinks I’m just being crazy. Maybe I am. I feel like I am as of lately. I guess that’s the hormones.”

“I feel like someone is always watching me.”

“Sasuke’s brother and mom stopped by today. They wanted to invite me out to a family gathering, but I’m not really sure if I want to go.. Sasuke hasn’t mentioned anything about it, so maybe he didn’t want me there?”

“I went and I regret it. They know and I don’t know how they know.” Her voice pauses as she cries. “I didn’t want anyone to know. Why do they know?” She cries some more before the recording stops and Kakashi takes a deep sigh. His heart broke for her, but he wondered how Sasuke didn’t know if his family knew.


“We thought it would be best if she told Sasuke herself,” Mikoto says and she gives a soft, sad smile. “But, she never got the chance to.”

“We didn’t tell Sasuke afterwards because we thought it would do more harm than good,” Itachi, his brother, says. Beside Itachi was a young woman with dark brown hair and on her lap was a baby with charcoal eyes and dark black hair. The epitome of the Uchiha genes. With the way she was wrapped around Itachi’s arm, Kakashi could place two and two together; this was his wife and child, most likely.

“That’s reasonable. How did you find out?” Kakashi jots down his notes, keeping a watchful eye on both Mikoto, Itachi, and the other woman. He could see her hands tighten a little on their hold on the baby but relax almost right after. He supposed the situation and everything to do with it was stressful circumstances, but he jotted it down all the same.

“It was just suspicion,” Mikoto admits. “We wanted to ask her about it outright, which is what we did. She was sick often and, as a woman, it was easy to recognize some of the signs. I was pregnant four times, after all.”

“You have four children?” Kakashi questions. On file she only has two, so it was slightly peculiar.

“Two miscarriages.”

“Ah, I’m sorry for your loss.”


“They want me to give the baby up for adoption but I don’t know what I want. I haven’t even told Sasuke yet! I’m so scared and I don’t know what to do..”

“I went over to their house today to discuss the trip with Sasuke and,” she sniffs, “His dad said that I’m going to ruin Sasuke’s life and his family's name-”

“I don’t want to go on this trip anymore. I just want to run away and hide before everyone knows what a mistake I am.”

“I can’t do this anymore.”

Kakashi went to press next, but nothing else played. He had finally reached the end and with minimal new information. It was time to revisit some information.

Am I Dreaming? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ