He was dancing on some young blonde, a drink in his hand.


I slyly reached into my pocket and grabbed the tube of hydrochloric acid. One dash in a drink would kill you in less than twenty four hours.

I made my way into the crowd, bumping into him slightly to cause a distraction while I poured the substance into his drink.

"Sorry, man." I said as he chuckled. "No biggie." He said then turned to the girl he was dancing with.

I walked away, glancing back inconspicuously just in time to see him down the rest of his drink.

Mission accomplished.

Just then the lights turned on, meaning the security guard was probably looking for me.

Before any searching could happen I was slipping out the back door and making my way to the car, lighting another cigarette up.

"Mission accomplished?" Jeremy asked as I nodded.

"Great work, boss." He said as I started to drive, making sure to be as calm and collected as possible.

I've really perfected my career which was far from where I was a couple of years ago.

As a beautiful girl once said, I was sloppy. That's why I was always caught in so much shit.

I was distracted and although I didn't mind the distraction, it made my life ten times harder.

"Are we done for the day?" Jeremy asked as I kept my eyes on the road. "Yeah." I said blandly.

It wasn't that I didn't like Jeremy or the rest of the gang, I just didn't have a connection with them.

Well..I did, but it wasn't a connection I tended to talk about.

I found myself missing the guys in LA. I would never admit that out loud but they were my brothers.

After everything went down they were the ones checking on me to make sure I was okay. I know it took a toll on Sam because of how I handled it, but he never complained.

That's why he was in the position he was in now.

When we got to base, I parked my car and got out.

I wanted to go home but there was a lot to do here. Since we were elusive and the biggest gang around, I had to work hard.

Not only to get jobs done, but in a secretive way that wouldn't get us into trouble.

I knew people were constantly scoping out for us, because years ago I was one of those people.

When Quill was running this, I tried to find out the truth.

We see how that worked out though.

When I got to my office I sat down and scrubbed my face with my hands.

It was usually when I was alone that thoughts would invade my brain. I needed to stay focused but there was always that little voice in the back of my head that told me to give all of this up.

I shut that shit down quickly though, loving the feeling of power and strength.

It felt like nobody could touch me and that I had finally figured all of my shit out.

It was an amazing feeling.

I ended up doing some work at the base before I grabbed my keys to head home.

I didn't live with anyone here, since I wasn't nearly as close to anyone. I had to establish boundaries with them so they wouldn't cross me.

Not that the guys ever really tried to cross me in LA, but this was different.

I didn't know these people that well.

Instead of a house I lived in a one bedroom apartment in downtown Seattle. It was a nice place with a modern theme but nothing like the mansions we would have in LA.

It was perfect for just me and maybe the girls I would take home occasionally.

"Ugh." I grunted and tossed my keys on the counter, feeling the exhaustion hitting me at full force.

I grabbed my phone though and dialed Sam's number since I was supposed to get back to him.

"Hey, man." Sam answered as I walked towards the balcony, pulling another cigarette from my pocket.

"Hey." I said gruffly, sitting in the egg chair that was outside.

"You don't sound too happy." Sam remarked as I lit my cigarette. "Tired. Why'd you call?" I asked and leaned my head back, taking a hit of the cancerous smoke.

"Gee, just wanted to talk to my best friend. Didn't know I needed an appointment." Sam teased causing me to breathe a laugh.

"Sorry. Things are just intense here. How are things there?" I asked, looking up at the stars.

"Same old same old. You should come down for a visit. You need the time away." Sam said as I nodded.

"Sounds great, but I can't. Too much to do here, nobody to trust." I explained then took another hit.

"Well are you at least coming to the party?" He asked with a hopeful tone. "I'll try." I said with a nod.

"If not I'm sure you'll have a banquet soon and we can bring everyone up." Sam said as I nodded.

"Got nothing planned, but you'll be the first to know." I said with a sigh.

"Miss you." Sam said as I nodded. "Yeah, things are definitely different without you guys. I like the power and strength here but god do I miss the social life." I said with a laugh.

"You don't have any friends? A girlfriend maybe?" Sam asked as I shook my head.

"No dating, just some play things to keep my dick from shriveling and falling off." I said causing him to laugh.

"Always so dramatic. Maybe consider making a friend. Not everyone is out to get you y'know." Sam said as I hummed.

"Seems like you're trying to get me to replace you." I said and took another hit. "Never, Sam and Colby for life." He said with a laugh.

"I'm gonna let you go so you can rest and go meet someone. Call me whenever, and seriously consider coming to the party. Bring that new friend you're gonna make." Sam said with a laugh.

"Whatever, Sam. I'll talk to you later." I said then hung up.

I thought it was funny that he cared so much about my social life. He of all people should know what happens when you let people get close.

Things get dangerous.

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