Chapter 9

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Few hours later*

Y/n felt like something is digging in her stomach and its making her uneasy So she opened her eyes, everything was blur due to her sleep so she blinked her eyes for a while then she looked out of the window, she said in a low voice, it's still dark, maybe it's still midnight...After a few seconds she was trying to look at her belly.

She tried to move her hand over her stomach and felt something strong and hairy...

Maybe it's Eun fuck he's so heavy...she tried to move it, but failed so she tried to get up, and failed again because she fell back on the couch and screamed in pain... Oh my god my head hurtssss... Yaah y/n you have to stop drinking...

Eun moved from her stomach and spoke what's wrong.. y/n

I was about to say something but....why the hell eun sounds different....

Eu..she was about to say but soon lights turned on and there she saw

It's Linyii???

Y/n what's wrong....Linyi asked while getting panic

Y/n was unable make a sentence, but after trying for the few times she finally said...well, maybe your head was on my stom....ach and I woke up

Ohh sorry I didn't mean it....Linyi replied immediately and y/n nodded

Y/n was looking around and asked..

Well Linyi where's eun...

Ohh he...he's sleeping here..Linyi said while pointing his finger down....

On the floor...he said with a giggle...

Then I looked down from the sofa...and started laughing too... He was sleeping like a drunk baby, he was holding an empty bottle of soju in his left hand while the thumb of his right hand was in his mouth like a newborn baby...

Linyi took his phone out of the pocket and started clicking some pictures of Eun... he had a lazy smile on his face and his eyes shining as if he would tease him with those pictures for the rest of his life... Anyway, he was still looking cute...

I will surely tease him with this for his rest of the life hahaha....linyi said and there I laughed like look I knew it..

As I was laughing heartily Linyi gave me a warm smile..... don't know why but he felt like home
And there I shaked my head...while thinking what the hell I am thinking about

Well y/nie it's still early why don't you go and sleep in your room while I'll place this idiot on your couch and leave for my home...Linyi said while giving y/n a smile again...

And there y/n blushed a bit and nodded while making her way towards her bedroom.... She entered and immediately closed the door and started whispering like she is talking with some kind of invisible person....Ohh God why this guys always feels like home...I hope he was the one I was getting married but i don't think that mafia---

Y/n cut off as reality hits her.... yess mafia I am soon getting married with a mafia everyone is selling me like I am a piece of a property

First my own parents now that baster Jackson...he...he was really looking like a jerk thanks to God he is not the one...but I still don't know how this mafia looks like....anyway leave I said that... I walked towards the bed...fell on it like I don't have any power left in my body and fell in a deep sleep..

Linyi pov:

As I saw y/n ran towards her room I picked my car keys walked towards the front door and open it...I was about to open my car door but I suddenly felt like some one is staring on me or....or maybe eyeing on y/n??

I am a mafia I know what I have to do I walked back to y/n's house while making a expression like I forgot something soon I opened y/n's door and entered in abviously I knew the password of her lock....I am really genius I remembered her password hahaha...

And there I picked my phone from my back pocket and message...


Linyi: Order my guards to stay at this place and also secure this girl 24/7 (while attaching a live location and y/n's picture) make sure this girl doesn't get a hint of someone is following or protecting her!!

And immediately he got a reply

Personal manager: Okay boss I will make these arrangements immediately..

After that Linyi placed his phone on the living table and walked towards y/n's room while passing the sleeping Eun...

He slowly opened her door...there she was sleeping soundly like a kid....and Linyi smiled like a teenage kid who has fallen into his 15's

He closed the door back gently and saw the's show 4 am it's still early Eun will walk up till 5:30 and I don't have any idea about her....

Let me make some breakfast for three....

Time skipped....Linyi was preparing the breakfast while eun was watching some kind of news on tv and there y/n came out from her room while groaning in pain...Its...itss hurtsss* and eun laughed on her groan immediately y/n gave him her most dangerous glare....but soon she change her eyes direction towards me and there she spoked out....

I thought you were going to go home???

Oh yes I was...but then I change my mind and thought let's have breakfast with you both

Umm...y/n hums lazily and eun moved his eyes from the tv to me like he already have few question in his mind for me...I don't eat during morning and he knows me better than anyone

Soon we all had our breakfast and me and eun left her place as my manager reported me that everything on there place...on my way I explained eun everything and he started panicing but I explained him about the security thing and then he felt like a burden fly over from his shoulder....

Linyi's pov end*


Hello guys i hope you all will like this part...

And if anybody is new here you all can also read my others works....

Helping hands (P.R):ace_bibliolater

Thanku for reading.....


Info: This story is just my imagination

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